So I just finished reading Blackdogstar's newest post called the Nature of the Beast. It is all about Pan, Sirius and Jupiter. His work makes me super excited. Check it out here.
So tonight I am putting on my daughter her new purple Tinkerbell Pjamas. Quikly I noted the word TIN in tinkerbell. As we know here in the sync whole TIN is also JUPITER/ZEUS/SHIVA/OPTIMUS MAXIMUS/SUMI RUNA etc... Tin and Jupiter share the same alchemical symbol. Tin or Tinia is the Etruscan name for Jupiter.

A Tinker is someone who works with Tin.
As Wikipedia states : A tinsmith, or tinner or tinker or tinplate worker, is a person who makes and repairs things made of light-coloured metal, particularly tinware. By extension it can also refer to the person who deals in tinware.
A Tinker is a spiritual craftsman/woman that works for Jupiter.
Tinkerbell, the little fairy, is a derived from the word Tinker. Tinkerbell works her magic and spreads the Jovial energy here on Earth by sprinkling her fairy dust on people.
She is part of the Peter Pan storyline, therefore connecting her to PAN/OZ/77 etc..., as well to Pirates and Robin Williams.

Clearly the Tinkers play a key role in the current shift and the closing of the Age.
Happiness in our Hearts is the goal of the Tinker.

PAN at Rainbow stage. The Rainbow being connected to 42 as well as to Jupiter.
All the world is a Rainbow Stage.

Happy Tinkering my friends!

Richard: In the movie Hook actress Julia Roberts plays the role of the Jupitinker seen here with a Halo which has opened like the petals of a flower:

Julia Roberts/Tinker played the role of Charlotte in this movie where we see her highlighting the Pineal/Inner-Sun of the Swine. The Silver Thread emerging from the Eye is our direct link to the Web/Universe:
In the North of Scotland the name Tink is a derogatory term and is often used as an insult. A 'Tinker' is someone who is generally looked down upon as someone who doesn't wash, someone who steals, someone who is untrustworthy. This negative stereotype goes back to the days when Gypsies dealt with buying/selling tinware, during a time when they didn't have much money and lived off of the land. The name 'Tink' has stuck with people who are descendants of the Gypsies.
As Jim points out: A tinsmith, or tinner or tinker or tinplate worker, is a person who makes and repairs things made of light-coloured metal, particularly tinware. A Tinker is also a spiritual craftsman/woman that works for Jupiter.
As Jim points out: A tinsmith, or tinner or tinker or tinplate worker, is a person who makes and repairs things made of light-coloured metal, particularly tinware. A Tinker is also a spiritual craftsman/woman that works for Jupiter.
Many of the people in my county who are called as 'Tinks' are descended from Gypsies, a people who are known for their deep connection to nature and magic/fortune telling. I've met many 'Tinks' and they're some of the most down to earth, trustworthy, good humored people I've ever had the pleasure of coming across.
I wanted to mention the connection between TINKerbell and the PIG (in 'Charlotte's Web') because:
G = 7
Y = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7
P = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7
PYG or GYP = 777
777 resonates with OZ/PAN
Tinkerbell the Tinker/Gypsy/Pyg resonator stars in Peter PAN.
If we follow the Swine we find a reference to a group of 'Blue Ones' in the movie Flatliners. Kevin BACON and Julia Roberts (Pyg/Gyp) both star:
Keifer Sutherland (above) stars in the TV show 24, resonating with the 24/42 Tinman and Tinkerbell:
Sutherland is a 'Lost Boy' who resonates with the Bat-man Pan/The Devil:

p.s. maybe the GYP in 'EgypT' might have some kind of relevance here when it comes to the mystical bloodlines of the Gypsies, or the Egyptsies. I have heard that many of the Tinkers/Gypsies originally travelled to Scotland from Egypt. Like the tag-line in Flatliners suggests: Maybe some (blood) lines shouldn't be crossed:
Willy Will;
Mixing Blood Lines(with the green man Kermet the Frog at least) is no new thing for Ms Piggy seen here being voiced by Frank OZ(who also did the voice of green man Yoda). Oz resonating with the OZ=77=Pan as well as the Piggstress in a nice little connection.

~Jon Boi~
I posted this image on the Christ Ian Ba al post. Note the Newsies image. I noticed the tin lying around with '42' in frame. I though I was just syncing silly though. Then you go and write this. Tin-Nit-weave

Remember this song from many moons ago . its on youtube
ReplyDeleteRolf Harris - Jake the Peg
I'm Jake the Peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Wherever I go through rain and snow
The people always let me know
There's Jake the peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With his extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle
The day that I born (oh boy) my father nearly died
He couldn't get my nappies on, how matter how he tried
'Cos I was born with an extra leg, and since that day begun
I had to learn to stand on my own three feet
Believe me that's no fun
I had a dreadful childhood really, I s'pose I shouldn't moan
Each time they had a three legged race, I won it on me own
And also I got popular, when came the time for cricket
They used to roll my trousers up
And use me for the wicket
I was a dreadful scholar, I found all the lessons hard
The only thing I knew for sure, was three feet make a yard
To count to ten I used me fingers, if I needed more
By getting my shoes and socks off
I could count to twenty four
I'm Jake the [stops to count]
...to twenty five
I'm Jake the peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Whatever I did they said was false
They said "quick march" I did the quick waltz
Then they shouted at me "put your best foot forward" - but which foot?
I said "it's very fine for you, you only got a choice of two"
But me, I'm Jake the Peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With the extra leg... diddle-iddle-iddle-um
"A 'Tinker' is someone who is generally looked down upon as someone who doesn't wash, someone who steals, someone who is untrustworthy. This negative stereotype goes back to the days when Gypsies dealt with buying/selling tinware, during a time when they didn't have much money and lived off of the land. The name 'Tink' has stuck with people who are descendants of the Gypsies."
ReplyDeleteTODAY when you posted in realtime: GYPSIES IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE (in Hungary) ASKING FOR TINWARE AND METALS!!!! one of them had just received a little old filmprojektor from the neighbour...FLOWWOWWOW
multidimensional moments of oneness. very cool bjorn.
ReplyDeleteand mr. moon that song is silly and too perfect. thanks.
gosh I remember now - even better: another neighbour asked the 'tinker' one question: "how old are you?", and the 'tinker' said: "24"! in which universe did I jump here by finding you guys?? Björn
ReplyDeletePygsy with the 9 toothed rake!
ReplyDeleteAwsome post! according to an article on the net I cant locate at the moment, the Show 24 with mr Sutherland also features many 42s in its early seasons, as it was his favorite number and age at the time i read. ill hollaback, be well!
ReplyDeleteJON - great image. telling the "future" you are. what a mash up
ReplyDeleteall our minds are going through.
I like the " I could count to 24'
ReplyDeleteRolf used to often entertain us with his Wobble-board
Nice post. I also wondered about the egypt-gypsy connection.. i asked around and found a few other researchers who believed it.
ReplyDeleteI recently updated my newest post with the same image of porky and tinkerbell!