Liam Neeson stands inside the letter A.
In The Phantom Menace Liam Neeson visits the underwater city of Atlantis, symbolized in this poster by the A.
In the Clash of the Titans remake (released April 2/42) Liam Neeson is the one who unleashes the Titan from it's Atlantean prison. I don't think I need to mention that he plays the character Zeus, the Greek equivalent of the Roman Jupiter.
Will showed at the start of the post that Liam Neeson, the Darkman, entrains with the Two-faced Janus/Jupiter.
Ralph Fiennes (who stars alongside Liam Neeson in Clash of the Titans) played the role of Lord Voldemort in the Potter movies. Fiennes is also linked to Janus/Jupiter.
Liam Neeson stands inside the letter A.
Notice in this poster that RoRschach has Two Faces. There's one that sits on his shoulders. The other (in the form of a smiley) is held in his hand.
Actor Jackie Earle Haley (who played RoRschach) has been chosen to star as Freddy Kreuger in the new Elm Street movie. In The Found Tin Jake showed that Freddy Kreuger entrains with the Tiger-striped Jupiter Janus planet of Joy.
I'm glad I held back because earlier on today my three year old son came up to me holding a Polar Express dvd in his hand. He'd been searching his bedroom for a toy and stumbled across the disk which had gone AWOL a looong time ago. He was delighted to find it again so we decided to watch it together.
For some reason I started paying attention to the annoying nerd in the movie, the one who represents the guy who is always first in line at school for a wedgie. In the movie his name is 'Know-it-all'.
The Know-it-all is someone who is 'always in the Know', or always living in the (k)NOW.
The Know-it-all CG character was performed by actor Tom Hanks, but he was voiced by a guy called Eddie Deezen. On a hunch I checked out IMDB and learned that Eddie Deezen has also played the role of a character named 'Mandark'.
Mandark is a character from the Dexter's Labratory TV show.
Dexter literally means 'to the Right'. The Darkman/Mandark is therefore connected to someone who walks 'The Right Hand path'. This makes more sense if you consider that Know-it-alls always believe that they have the Right answer. Nerds are sometimes called 'Poin-dexters'. It's because they follow the Right Hand path.
On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life the Right Hand path is governed by the planet Jupiter. It's also been linked to the Blue Hand.
The Blue Handed Dexter is definitely a nerdy Know-it-all whose an Explorer of Jupiter/Joy.
Near the end of the film the kids arrive at the North Pole and accidentally find themselves trapped inside Santas giant red sack (or womb?). For some reason it brings to mind this image.
The giant red sack soars through the sky (guided by a hot air balloon) towards this illuminated Christmas Tree which marks the end of the childrens journey.
Symbolically you could say that the Jupiter Explorer was trying to find the NOW. In the movie the Know-it-all was trying to be greedy. He was trying to find his Present, the NOW, before it was due time. He was never going to find it because he hadn't yet learned how to be humble. He hadn't yet come face to face with Santa Claus (Jupiter/Joy). He was trying to rush to the finishing line so that he could receive his gift, without understanding that the journey itself was the gift.
Having risen to the surface (exited the womb?) and allowed himself to align fully with the NOW, the Jupiter Explorer begins to see things from a much higher perspective. He can finally see the Christmas Tree for what it is.
In the image below we see that the hot air balloon (piloted by elves) displays the Black and Red tiger stripes, just like the ones you find on Freddy Kreugers jumper. This suggests that these events, or transitions, are taking place within the Dream Realm. This moment of returning home points to the birth of the Dream Child. Being released from the Matrix. Awakening to the NOW. Realizing that the Present is a gift.
When I started writing the update for this post (having absolutely no idea that The Polar Express movie would ever be involved) I signed my name as Aerosmith. I have no idea why I chose to use Aerosmith instead of Arrowsmith, or Richard, like I usually do. At the time it just felt right.
While I sat watching the very final scene of The Polar Express, trying to figure out how I was going to work these synchronicities into this post, the lead singer of the band Aerosmith, Steve Tyler, popped up on screen. He sings a song called 'Rockin all over the world'. I'd completely forgotten that this Aerosmith scene even existed in the movie.