Saturday, October 31, 2009
Gimme Shelter (making the boat. . .)
(died c. 1540), German astronomer and necromancer. Reputed to have sold his soul to the Devil, he became the subject of dramas by Marlowe and Goethe, an opera by Gounod, and a novel by Thomas Mann.
Faustian adjective
Faust or Faustus (Latin for "auspicious" or "lucky", but also German for "fist") is the protagonist of a classic German legend who makes a pact with the Devil in exchange for knowledge.
ORIGIN early 16th cent.: of Germanic origin (compare Swedish dialect focka and Dutch dialect fokkelen); possibly from an Indo-European root meaning [strike,] shared by Latin pugnus ‘fist.’
Dan: You think love is simple. You think the heart is like a diagram.
Larry: Have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist, wrapped in blood! Go fuck yourself! You writer! You liar!
Away We Go?
The Fundamental Consumerist Delusion
Consumerism depends on forgetting a truth and believing a falsehood. The truth that must be forgotten is that we humans have already spent millions of years evolving awesomely effective ways to display our mental and moral traits to one another through natural social behaviors such as language, art, music, generosity, creativity, and ideology. We can all do so without credentials, careers, credit ratings, or crateloads of product. Our finest, most impressive goods and services have been endowed to us by our DNA, in the from of physical and psychological adaptations that naturally display our virtues and naturally impress our peers. . . This is a core message from evolutionary psychology: the most precious, complex, intricate, and wonderful things in life are the biological adaptations common across all humans--especially the adaptations that signal our individual differences so conspicuously. We already have everything we could possibly need (84). . . ~Spent Geoffery Miller
Open Road

dogs do like to swim don't they
that's not so much of a question
but rather an affirmation from experience

Jump Fool!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You Are Here: Post 234
by Bongo Iscariot (make me a channel of yer badassness...)
The caduceus paints a thousand worlds. Thousand is an ineffable number, kin to the Arabic convention of 72. Innumerable. The Shield of Mercury is a manifold - a complete picture of the transfinite paradoxi-cosmos and threefold illusion of Infinity.
- something happened (code)
- something is happening (threshold)
- something is going to happen (certainty)
Please note that of these values, only certainty is concrete.
The past, whatever it is, operates as code, beneath perception. The simple metaphor is the impossible conundrum of recorded history. There can be little doubt that something happened - but there is no agreement about what. So, to investigate history through post print media and oral tradition is divine analog to the amateur user examining an unfamiliar source code or hardware. Such an investigation is quit in dismay, flounders, or becomes the foundation of a new program and demonstrates that a meaningful appreciation of the events of history trend the pupil into the realm of social programmer as Guru, Scientist or Statesman.
The threshold of the now is equally elusive, and we are grateful to the proverbial thousand monkeys typing for an apt parallel - a zillion kids playing Super Mario. The monstrous past is the throbbing nexus of code: the hardware/software as design and product. Heaven and Logos, paper and typewriter, NES and game cartridge. The zillion kids are the mad monks that ignite the design into simultaneous glory - all the game playing - all at once. Omni Code Hyper Flash.
To play a video game (or read or type) is precisely the same as to pray. The desired result is that the book being read (in ardent prayer) the babble being typed (in sufi abandon) the game being pwned (in android bliss) will at one moment become the focus of a comprehensive devotion. Thus realized, the hidden code emerges as a spontaneously conscious and self reliant monad. Eden itself.
The side effect of meditation is not stasis and extinction but explosion. Union with the eternally fashionable now does not provide the advertised result of self-immolation. When truly reached, the Now State, which is Utopia, shatters the environment with the emergence of code and internalizes that code as elastic schizoid yoga-gnosis. Very simply, to meditate (extinguish the self into the One), which is also to mediate (achieve total Media awareness), is to perfectly flatter the moment of supreme beginning - when God first thought of God and burst into a river of glimmering stardust.
This much is certainty. The Artist is Bornless. All that ever happened hasn't happened yet. All that ever happened is The Future. Bring it on Baby.
The Numbers
The triple fallacy can be nicely described by a three number sequence. We stress this trio is not linear, nor a linear spiral but rather spiral and non-linear, hinting at the perpetual expansion of an infinite number of impossibly tightly packed coils out into solid space.
The sequence is -1, 0, 1, and replicates a series of modalities.
(-1, 0, 1)
(0, 1, 2)
(1, 2, 3), etc, ad infinitus cantorum.
Each mode has a unique value, but is also a perfect transposition of the original monad -1, 0, 1.
-1 is code, the unknown past and cypher to the total user.
0 is threshold. Now - the total user is internalized into the negative monad as part of its code. Death. The raindrop falls into the sea.
1 is certainty. Tomorrow - because the total user can not dismantle its uniqueness - bleeding, blending and binding into every corner of creation dreams will dare to go. The sea is but a raindrop. Boundless Bliss.
The second mode (0, 1, 2) is the model of phallo-centric exegesis and paternal Godhead.
0 is the Almighty as the Code of Torah.
1 is the emergence of the Tree of Life and the Eden that surrounds it as the threshold, or platform.
2 is Adam, Eve and all subsequent degeneration. Certainty. God knows - it happened.
Nevertheless, the dyad is still dependent on the original model.
0 is -1. The code (Torah) is indecipherable.
1 is 0. The threshold (knowledge) is ineffable.
2 is 1. We are One People in Death (to be born of sexual union is to die - certainty).
This second mode is as high as any group mind can climb. All races, creeds and communes, all sub-environments are defined within the boundary of 0, 1, 2 - which is called Reality or Doubt.
The third spiral (1, 2, 3) is the Maternal Matrix - the Material World - and is already beyond Death.
1 is the code - cosmic oneness that impossibly integrates an ecclesia of atypical monads.
2 is the threshold - the Matrix. Something with an outside that all are somehow safe within.
3 is the inevitable and persistent struggle for balance between these forces and their special passions.
In mystery, the Trinity is the mode of the Roman Empire and of Catholicism - which is the only system of thought that proposes the equal sacrifice of man and woman, child and mother, alike. The Roman Method has no group alliance, no nationality or ethic. It is religion in the purest essence - the honest apprehension of what has happened and what must happen.
Pagan cyclic systems demand sacrifice because they fail to mediate doubt. This is not purjorative. Gaia and nature based sentiment is childish - it doesn't have enough history to mandate an adult attitude toward the past.
Consider the Mayan fascination. These days, the Mayans are celebrated for their super-advanced maths, with little or no regard for the brutal juveneillia that is their ruination. They are brilliant, but what is the need these nature loving midget Einsteins of yore feel so deeply to motivate their killing maths?
The need to mitigate their own evil.
The Pagan mind is ever fleeing its own murderous past. This denial runs so deep that the horrors of paganism are ritually celebrated to this day as a form of beauty and widely promoted as the sole source of sacred knowledge. Ugh! What a crusty botch is our Nature.
The clear religious mind, the factual mind, the Thomist mind, heralds the passing of the individual from supreme inchoate monad (-1, 0, 1) through natural pagan stupidity (0, 1, 2) and into Immortal Gnostic Trinity (1, 2, 3) and onward. The continued popular insistence of natural divinity is a hallmark of Thomist tolerance, which knows the Natural world is illusory, harmless and finally prosaic. Not at all divine. Even the Church is perceived as but a side effect of Trinity, a kind of unnecessary evil that serves as threshold of a teaching designed to exact nothing less than absolute freedom from within.
The Roman Christian is not an astrotheological subject, but a literal, Material Astronomy Domine - resurrected into Christ, loved by the Mother and absolved the indignity of Law toward a perfect Light.
Fuckin' eh.
2001: A Space Audio I See
In stark contrast to his social heritage, Stanley Kubrick made a mighty effort to elucidate the Eternal Roman Trinity and to assure of its reliability.
Our first example is the institution of Law at The Dawn of Man. Kubrick explains: Law is the after image of Murder. Mankind begins at the moment of the first murder and subsequent social behavior and human advancement apes this action from behind the mask of its Laws.
When the killer monkey throws his new tool in the rage of original sin, we are treated to both the extension of shame as media and the infamous leap of faith that is the first demand of its salvation. The tool of murder becomes the word of law becomes the growth of its media into space and beyond the infinite. Yet, in the Light of Beauty, this act is not merely a continuation of sin but also one of deepest regret and contrition. Bad Monkey is sorry. Sorry he ever touched that void and made his hand unto an instrument of Death. Dreadfully sorry that he killed his friend - with whom he will forever self identify. And so he builds a world to stand upon, a cosmos to dream in and at last a technology - to resurrect his forgotten victim at the End of Time and be forgiven his transgression of Love.
Tom is Tall
In his next work, Kubrick details the anthropomorphic life arc of the Son of Man with profound pathos and humor. Clockwork's Alex de Large is a real human. He is not evil at all, simply free. Free to realize his unique nature without oral shame or literary guilt because he accepts as fact the Murder of Christ.
This interpretation exculpates Alex's actions and explains why Kubrick eliminated the resolution of the novel, much to the consternation of the regressive Anthony Burgess.
The assault on the drunkard is a direct response to the filth of nature as excremental decay and death - typified as spiritual nostalgia. Later, when the old bugger and his cronies turn tables on Alex, the re-emergence of pagan history as the New Age is described. For Alex, this come-uppance is a temporary indignity, just as the New Age Movement (as unraveled by Zeitgeist, Wicca or Neo-Orientalism) is but the death burble of Nature as it succumbs to the individual will of the Aquarian Warrior.
The rape of the writer and his wife is also a responsive mechanism - this time against authority and its material industry - the book, which as it opens, is the vulva fly-trap. Think of it like this. Suppose you found out you were the literary figment of a twisted, burned out figurehead of Law and trapped inside the mouldy pages of his paltry design. Whoever you may be, man woman or child, any reaction short of Alex's is sub-humanoid.
Fuck it me droogies, let's go for a drive.
St. Francis of A Sue Me, Why Dontcha
At long last, a thousand words and evermore, we see the hyper-dox in its Triple Magesty. The Shining is the Shield of Mercury. Dancing the spiral at the speed of thought. The speed of quicksilver darkness and delight, purple in the candle light.
Danny Torrance: Killer. Droog Alex, Pvt. Joker: Killers. HAL 9000, Media, All of Us. Stone Killers to the boiling core.
And me. Less than Zero but Something. Nothing and Everything at Once. Everything and Everything Else. The Paradox. The Doctor. Doc. A regular Momma's Boy.
Bring me the Game.
Gravity kill and Time define, but never will you me unwind. Strike my heart with hardened steel. I doubt that I shall deign to feel your barbs and lashes aimed at me, while I swing happy in my tree. And should you burn it to the ground, nowhere here will I be found - because I am entirely gone to swing into another one.
I am Bongo Iscariot the Wandering Jude.
I Am the Future - And You Are Here...
Monday, October 26, 2009
7-11 & the Hexagon

If you add each of these numbers up into single digits your list of numbers will like this 1,7,1,1,7,1,1,7,1,1,7,1,1,7,1,1,7,1
Which looks like 1 ... 7-11 ... 7-11 ... 7-11 ... off until forever so I suppose
you may see 17's
I got on all this crazy jazz by looking at Jon Kidd's 217 banner which is his room number and the haunted room in the Shinning. I noticed a house with a 217 address and felt the magic the other day. So when I was watching Flash Forward and noted the time delay was 2:17
I got all hot and flustered and had to extrapolate on my diagram'in skillz
Aligning with Galactic Centre Is Close

I've been connecting rabbits to the moon but fertility seems also spot on. Lots of sync heads associate it with "down the rabbit hole", all groovy.

The moon can also be associated with feminine fertility, thus chiming along with rabbits and the concept of 101 puppies. Further Galactic Centre itself is the O.G womb WE/ME all are from. Fertile Rabbit, Moon and GC, dig?

I feel all this signifies alignment spiritually and galactically is fertile, pregnant and ready to go POP!
Peace in Dogs and good night 2 all my fellow Lunatics.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Burn After Reading
Is Everything We See Or Seem...
Right at the get go, we are challenged. Our discovery will not be a polite after dinner stroll, or an enchanting mountain moonlight hike, but instead a full on critical assault of the terrific precipice that is Burn After Reading.
We set away into a journey through twilight fields of purple mountains majesty. Our account - both technical and wild - is a kind of hyper-real inventory of a static edifice of Art. We choose Art as our Parnassus because Art is something we can count on. History is an unreliable resource. Too much discord, even between blood brothers. Contrarily, a static work of Art, like a painting, poem, or movie, is generally the same every time you look at it. It can be trusted.
In BAR we trust.
Spooled into the story are the elusive threads of a many a real mystery, a psychic mind war, and cinematic leitmotif so diabolical and fine the poor mind wobbles like a wonky Weeble. Here, the Devil is mos def in the details. Really - the Devil. The Devil and The End of the World as We Know It.
The reader must co-ordinate a variety of paraphernalia that fall mainly into two categories. Art and Reality.
Here is a list of Art we will discuss.
- Born Free
- The Exorcist
- The French Connection I and II
- The Parallax View
- The Ninth Gate
- Rosemary's Babootchka
- Raising Arizona
- The Ripliad Novels
- Bond on Film
- Pulp Fiction
- Catcher in the Rye
- ???
And the Real Estate.
- Mind Control
- Son of Sam
- Smiley Face Killings
- Kennedy Tragedies
- Illicit Drug Trade
- ??? (something terrible)
Art and Reality. Art as potency. Reality as action, or perhaps more properly, as motion. The links between these two standards are not proposed as proof, they are simply described. Indeed, if there is the tatter of a truth it is only that we live inside a spiral of mandelbrot nightmares. A stairwell to nowhere in the Underlook Hotel.
Belly up to the Monkey Dave's Bar. Lloyd is serving on the house, all night long.
Thema 1.0
Burn After Reading is an Akasha of Satanic Horrors. Dark Alchemy. Ritual Murder. Mind Control and Mind War. Multiple entendre. As Art, it is the practice of an Alchemy with the audience its subject. A refiners fire.
Or is it something less tangible, to clarify an awful and shimmering truth hidden before our very eyes. We must opt for the latter. For the Ladder. To watch for what rises.
Now, here is no two-step, but a fairly massive quadrille. A Persian carpet of fine design. To begin we
separate the threads with an inverse index. Inversa-dex 1.0 - each entry a puzzle piece toward our magickal solution. This index is not comprehensive, but it is the glue that supports the pattern of our mosaic. Taken individually, these points may seem tangential, obscure or even irrelevant. Don't be fooled. Just soldier on. It all comes together - big time.
Inversa-dex 1.0
- The Focus Features Placard: a gaggle of blue and yellow lens flare orbs. Pollen on the breeze. Focus Features is FF and in turn 66. Over the placard there is the sound of an intermittent buzzer. The buzzer sounds 6 times (the last as the card fades), and we have our first of a myriad 666 inside the honeycomb of BAR.
The credits are a GoogleEarth sequence and encode a phi spiral. 1.618 and it's reciprocal .618, divided by the integer One. Zoom in and fall to Earth. We (you, me) are the One, the viewer, and like sand through the hourglass, we tumble into the Labyrinth of Time - CIA Headquarters, Langley, Va. The process is reversed over the closing credits when the hourglass is upended to carom again into outer space.
- The Exorcist like BAR, has a setting in Georgetown. But it opens as Father Merrin discovers a sinister idol at an archaeology dig in North Africa. The thrumming tribal drum music that follows his movements could easily replace the credit music from BAR. Moreover, Friedken mixed the sound of an angry beehive at low audio into The Exorcist, as a subconscious scare tactic. The Coens pull the same trick. In the sound of the hallowed halls of the CIA, a stir of hardware humming provides the same buzz. As you listen you may differ, but consider this: at Ozzie's demotion, Agent Olson (who is analog to Agent Smith of The Matrix) is a Mormon. Brigham Young chose the beehive as his personal coat of arms. The beehive is a lattice of hexagons (666). The colors of Brigham Young University are blue and yellow. Focus Features = Blue and Yellow Orbs = Buzzing Sound = Bees = The Exorcist = 666 = Mormonism. It's all in thar.

- The Turtle, The Mammoth and the Goat: over heard at the dinner party. Ozzie serves the chevre. Ozzie is therefore serving himself. Ozzie is a goat as Oz is Hebrew for Goat.
Later Ozzie is called 'a turtle' by Katie's Lawyer. Crowley has a mnemonic for recall of the Kaballistic Tree of Life. It is called the turtle and the elephant.
The top six sephira form a hexagon, or turtle. The bottom four, in a Y configuration, is the face and trunk of an elephant. Because BAR inflates Ozzie as both a Goat and a Turtle, we can superimpose Goat over Elephant as The Tree of Life. The goat rides the shoulders of a mammoth. The Dems over the G.O.P. And most of all, Satan on the back of a God. Speechless.
- Over cocktails, Harry Pfararr (George Clooney) worries about his food allergies, which parallel the Jewish dietary code (the cheese stands alone - mold, yeast, malice). Harry chokes on his mouthful of chevre and regales that he could go into anaphylactic shock. The same allergic shock is suffered by bee sting and can kill. In Occult Signs and Symbols, Rudolph Steiner teaches that the throat (chakra, choker) and the human voice correspond, exactly to the buzzing of the bee. Harry=Choke=Shock=Bee. Suffocation/Strangulation/Decapitation of the Drone.
Notice as Harry fumbles his hors d' oeuvre. A red pepper falls to the floor. The pepper (pee-pee) is the circumcised foreskin and also infers the opening sequence of Alan J. Pakula's The Parallax View. A waiter in red jacket falls from the Space Needle in Seattle. The poor guy is a patsy, chased to his death for an assassination he didn't commit. Director Pakula will later lose his head in a car crash on the L.I.E.

Harry drops an NLP: He calls his wife's series of books 'Oliver the Cat That Lives in the Rotunda'. The correct title is ... Who Lives in the Rotunda... The error encodes a mystery to be solved.
- The actress cast as Sandy Pfarrar (Elizabeth Marvel) is a lead pipe cinch for dame thespian Jane Alexander. Look here at the two women. Look hard, as we'll talk to them later.
- Bene-Fit: Ozzie at last has a moment alone to tell his bitch goddess wife Dr. Katie (Tilda Swinton) that he has abandon his post. She presses him '...will there be a pension or severance...?'. Osiris, Ozzie. The severed penis (PENSIon). When Ozzie explains he must reject his old bosses 'benefits', he vigorously scratches his right arm. His brand is itching. His maker's mark. The Mark of Cain. Vaccination scar and RFID chip.
- The Cruel Sea: There are a footlocker of naval references in BAR. We touch on two. The first is analog to The Ripliad of Patricia Highsmith. The Talented Mr. Ripley had a penchant for the poopdeck, learning to sail and raise Cain on the open sea. Malkovich is Ripley in Calvani's Ripley's Game. More to come.
For now, do you remember the old TV yarn called Ironside? Ironside was in a wheel chair, just like Ozzie's dad. He was crippled by a bullet to his spine, received while he stood on the deck of a small yacht. Old Ironsides is the nickname of the the battle worn battleship USS Constitution, which was a sailboat, christened Old Ironsides in a short poem by Oliver (the cat) Wendell Holmes (who lives in the rotunda).
Ozzie's dad is the literal US Constitution. He is reduced to empty headed figurehead. A millstone around the neck of the new America. He is also the non-existent or deceased demiurge. Ozzie's seafaring spiel is Christ on the Cross. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Dad does not answer because he can't. There is no father. God is dead and with Him the Rights of Man. But is it commentary or propaganda?
In King's English, Ozzie is especially fussy about his diction of foreign colloquialisms. Memoir is Mem-Wa as Ozzie has it. There is a stack of subtlety in this high-falootin' attitude. Mem is the Hebrew letter that also means water. In Hebrew the letters also have a verb/noun meaning as well. Mem is Water. So Mem-Wa becomes Memory Water or the Waters of Memory. Ozzie's says his memoir might be explosive and as he does three buildings, one short-squat and two towering, materialize on the distant shoreline. 2,1,7 WTC.
The whole sailing voyage is very Proustian. Memory. Remembering the past. And Ozzie's term book is not banal. He is talking about the book. The Ninth Gate/Water Gate/Memory Gate/Aquarian A-Bomb Inferno. Explosive is the mother of all understatements.
- Katie's first consult with her lawyer Terkharian (J.R. Horne) is foamy brew of punnery.
Pull Together/Turn Around. Osirian ritual magick.
Reform(f-o-r)/Forwarned/Fore Armed/Four Armed. 444. The many limbs of Shiva the Destroyer - dear Katie Cox. And the turtle that might 'pull in it's head'? This turtle is the solar lizard king, his hexagonal shield on his shell. Ozzie has a frog on his living-room lamp stand. Ozzie/Malkovich/Ripley/Reptile/Turtle.
- In BAR, Lawyers have an animal familiar. Owls. Terkahrian the Turkey has a wise old way about him. Very parochial. And look at the great golden bird that watches Harry from its perch on the bridge abutment. His stalker, we will learn - is an agent for a law firm.
- Ate Seconds: Ass is pronounced as Oz in the Baltic region. Ozzie is a Horse's Ass, being broken. There is a bronze of a bronco and breaker, at Katie's lawyer's digs. The rider wears a hat. The rider is Katie. She wants to break the horse. '66, for our purpose, is the year of the Horse. With Katie as Isis there is an anlog to Miss O'Shaughnessy (Mary Astor) from Huston's The Maltese Falcon. In Falcon, horse images gallop everywhere. Brigid O'Shaugnessy - BOS. Mary Astor, Falcon's BOS, is of ancient English blood. So is Tilda Swinton. Dr. Katie is the BOSS, as Ozzie learns the hard way.
- Hmmonym: in his lazy-boy, Ozzie dictates his memories, into a hand held monolith. Who does he name? George Cannon? George Cannon was a Mormon. A very powerful Mormon, and big swinging dick in the golden age of American politics. Ozzie hates Mormons, so WTF!? Turns out he's talking about George Kennan, draftee of the Marshall Plan and Kennedy Balkan attache.
- Family Fool: Downstairs on the phone, Ozzie says Katie's is the 5719 number. These numbers total Twenty Two.
Next we hear and see Ozzie's favorite telly, The Family Feud (FF = 66) with host Richard Karn. We learn by association through the quiz show answers that Katie is married (to Ozzie), has a boy friend (Harry) and is pregnant (it's Ozzie's) though she don't know it. The boy child Horus slouches toward Bethlehem. Ozzie must be rubbed out, like the doomed daddies in Ira Levin's Boys from Brazil. Harry is to be the cuckold stand in Joseph to Katie's sacred unborn godboy.
It gets delicate here. 22 (5719) is also TT. Twenty-Twenty with zero's out. Well, actor Richard Karn, our host on The Feud, also starred in sitcom Home Improvement and the show within a show called Tool Time. Tool Time is a double cross. Tool is Ozzie's missing dick and Time is the sacrificial ritual of Time, performed on the giant battery that is the Temple of Solomon. Ozzie is always getting hammered. Katie, at lunch with Harry, will ruefully aver '...I do not hammer...'. In the Home Improvement pilot Tool Time was called Hammer Time, but changed cuz-a MC Hammer. Hammer Time is Tool Time. For Katie it's about penis envy.
- In Ozzie's grotto, Katie copies his files onto a Green jewel box (CD Case/Green Witch).
A golf club traces across Katie's skull as she burns the disk. We have an immediate hunch. Swinton's wiki and its pay dirt. In '96, she did a video for a band called Orbital. Track Title: The Box. Box in a Box (TV). Look at the video. Notice a prominent MM code right away. Mem means Water but also Box. Box of Water.
Later in the video, Tilda romps in a salvo of golf balls.
Add the Kennedy Connection. Ozzie Cox is a wanna-bee Kennedy if ever there was one. He will be shot in the head, as is JFK. Ozzie's basement nook just smacks of Hyannisport self-import. Sailing. State secrets. Sporting Gear. Home sweet home. But its the golf club that drives it long. We are being clued into details of the murder of Martha Moxley by Kennedy satellite Michael Skakel (guilty, if youz buy da newz).
Here is the string: Ozzie mixes a drink. A Cuba Libra with M-ount Gay Ru-M. M thru M. This is the very first spirit ever ordered by the literary James Bond, in Casino Royale (more on ice and chilling).
Please keep in mind the special color combination of the label and cap of the MGR bottle. Red and Gold.
He watches the TV (Tube, Cube, Box). Katie's condition is described on TV, 'in the box' (married, boy friend, preggo). Tilda is in 'The Box' (video). K-K-K-Katie uses a Green jewel box as a golf club - in camera - circumscribes her fontanelle. The lunatic is on the green. Martha Moxley's brains were clubbed out by a 9 Iron. In a town called Greenwich, Connect-i-cut. Martha's initials are M-E-M. Could this be some kinda Sixth Sense revenge from beyond the grave? Or even more grave?
- There are seven limes on Ozzie's note to Katie, which she reads while Harry jogs. Harry runs five regular, but later will run five and a deuce. He means 5.2, but Seven leaps to the inner mind. Seven Miles. Seven Limes. Green Limes. Green Miles. Keep it in mind.
- Schmalz: The hen party at Linda's nip-and-tucker consult is all about the fat. Chicken fat is a staple element in Jewish home cooking. Because this fat is to be carved from Linda's carcass, we get a sample of the half-baked myth that Mystic Hebrews are also ritual cannibals.
- Hardbodies is a pun on rigor mortis.
- Love Me Doo: at the PC in Hardbodies, Linda goes to a horny hook-up site. BeWithMe DC.com. Bee/Buzz/Hum. DC/Direct Current. Turn-ons and turn-offs. Alan has hair 'plugs'. The Chubby Chinese girl talks 'hooked up'.
Pederasty Profile: The profile beneath AlanM's is for the cherubic red head CoolHandTodd.
First is the Coen's Oh Brother Where Art Thou, which is openly influenced by Cool Hand Luke. CHL stars Paul Newman as Luke and George Kennedy (Red Leary of Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, Monolith climber Ben Bowman in The Eiger Sanction). George Kennedy/George Kennan/Red Head.
Both Todd's suit and his stated location of Alexandria, Virginia imply magic. The suit is gray on Todd's right and blue on his left. The A and V of his home address is two arrows, pointing up and down. From Keter to Malkut. As above so below. Todd is a Magician, but his magic is not of the outward kind. Rather it is cheerful, tremulous psychic self defense.
Above Todd circles AlanM, who's real name is Rosacker. Alan is the real Sorcerer, although I don't think he deserves the appellation. Alan is a coprophaegic necromuncher. He is the blind demiurge called Samael. Turned on by kids and turkish taffy - making him a homosexual predator pedophile. Rosaker means rose-hacker. Alan collects brand new pennies. He is a fucking priest. Altar boy Todd cowers below. Poor numskull thinks he's magic but he is really a self-abuser. Todd is a cuddly lovable jerk-off. He has chosen beyond debate the most dangerous profession: comedy. So much repressed pain and loneliness he can only laugh these days. Todd has self identified with his rapist ritual pope. He wants to show 'em real magic back.
The scales of discernment tip to the side of cruelty. Next to Cool Hand's profile is a Be With Me digital watermark. A smiley face in a triangle. The smiley face is an alchemical caput mortuum (dead head), from the process 'Dryn King'. The Smiley Face victims are young men, usually drunk, who are discovered drowned.
These videos are not very literate, but the dick work is first rate. He is called THEhoundedFEW. Look at as much of his stuff as you can stand to, or just trust the string.
The Smiley Face Killers/Caput Mortuum/Red Head/Dead Head/Drowning/Hanging/Lakes/Bodies of Young Men/Chad in the Chesapeake/Catholic Alchemy.
- Ay-zhen Ay-gent: On the phone with her HMO, Linda says 'agent' but is frustrated. The robo-operator can't understand her high pitched whine. Agent/Phone/The Matrix Movies. Also, 'agent' on a replayed squelch becomes 'Asian'. It's already cliche that many of our consumer information calls are routed to Asian trunk lines.
- Alan and Linda do the wango-tango. Asian, a screwball comedy, and home for an empty fuck. Alan doesn't even take his glasses off. Coming Up Daisy. CUD. Linda is a cow, and as we later discover, cows chew their daisies twice. Linda rifles through Alan's wallet and finds a honey-doo list, and we digress...
Look in on Todd Field's Little Children. There is a BAR problem. The Prom King (Patrick Watson) can not pass his bar exam. He can't pass the bar because he is backed up. He is stalled in the anal phase of Freudian development theory. And LC has a 'blue yellow' scent, too - a strong one. The Prom King's kid (at anal threshold) is hung up on a blue and yeller jester's cap, which he refuses to 'take off' (the big boom is ready to release, but willn't drop).
Patricia Highsmith's The Ripliad is the story of the shape-shifting shadow called Tom Ripley. In The Talented Mr. Ripley, Tom eggs into the life and finally the identity of one Dicky Greenleaf, by pretending he attended Princeton. Malkovich is Ripley in Calvani's Ripley's Game. At the BAR, Ozzie learns over a drink that he has been offered up to the Russians. In Ripley's Game, Tom (Malkovich) is stalked by killers from the Russian Vors (Mafia).
This Russian bar set-up is a quick juxtapose from Chad's diplomatic inquiry '...do you have a men's room...?'.
In The Talented..., Ripley works as a washroom attendant at a bar for rich businessmen. At the bar in BAR, Ozzie gets served because he admits he is a Princeton alum. His contact asks Ozzie '...you aren't becoming a poof...?'. Highsmith's Ripley is often deconstructed as repressed in the anal stages. Poof is the explosion of the bomb, the BAR that must be passed.
We can now explain Alan's chore list:
Please Pick Up
Honey Nut
As a primer for anal self-reliance, the list is a straight flush. 'You gotta stay regular if you want to be happy'
The list reads Pee-Poo-Pee - Aitch-En-Cee (agency).
And this scene slides nicely into...
- Manolo's find (right there on the floor there - just lying there), which is telegraphed, by Chad (Brad Pitt) as 'The Shit'. Manolo, the lowly custodian, stepped in it.
MM Echoes: Linda is on hold to the music of Modest Mussorgsky and complains to Ted that her HMO is Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse was not Disney's first whistling willy. Before Mickey came Oswald the Rabbit. Ozzie Rabbit (Rabbit/Goat/Democrat/Baphomet/Kennedy/MM/Marilyn Monroe/Lee Harvey Oswald the Rabbit Warren Commission).
Deep Shit. Sig Int Shit. CIA Shit. Don't step in it.
- Ted (Richard Jenkins) is 14 years a Greek Orthodox Priest. G.O.P. Is 14 years the memory of an elephant?
- Monkey Dave's Bar
Monkey Bar Dave's
Dave's Monkey Bar (holy fuck!)
Dave's Bar Monkey
Bar Monkey Dave's
Bar Dave's Monkey
The BAR is the Monolith. In Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Kubrick Monolith becomes a chocolate bar.
- Electric Oranges: Chad at Linda's place has A Clockwork Orange kinda tang. The Orange painted wall mirror. Chad finds OJ in Linda's fridge. He needs to charge up. The clock ticks. Listen for it.
Chad says '...plugged in to the intelligence community...'. High Speed Cable. Linda doesn't have a computer, or a man. She is not 'plugged in' or 'hooked up'.
- In the next few moments Chad will use the term Samaritan, make a connection, and describe Ozzie as 'pretty high'.

Heroin is often muled in a balloon that is inserted into the rectum or swallowed. Either way, it comes out of the ass (Gym Customer to Chad: '...something snapped in my ass...'). Heroin is Heroine. BAR's twin heroines, Linda and Katie will both give Ozzie a pain in the ass.
Here's the thing. FC II was directed by one John Frankenheimer. BAR's Linda Litsky swears she is all woman and no Frankenstein. '...so you don't want a sex change?...', asks her jocular doc. Well, if you can nose out my French Connection Truffle...
For your consideration: Pulp's goateed drug lord Lance has a girlfriend, played by actress Rosanna Arquette of the notorious Arquette Clan. One sister is Alexsis Arquette (A is A). Alex used to be a bro', but engendered a transition.
Linda says '...I've gone just about as far as I can go with this body...' and 'cock-a-mamey' Ted says to Linda (about Harry) '...he could be one of those guys who prowl the internet...'. Linda responds '...well, so am I...'. Heart Broken Ted moans '...you're changing, Linda...'
Penis envy is represented in its diameter. Men become women becoming men. The anal rape of a man by a woman is a perfect reversal. To cornhole a dude, a woman would have to wear a 'strap-on'. Strap On backward is No Parts.
B-oris k-AR-loff/Sex-Change/Frankenstein/Frankenheimer/Frank in a Stein/Frank in a Hymen.
Linda? Alexis?
And who needs reminding: Alexis Arquette's little bro David (Dude) is married to Courtney Cox.
Dancing in the Dark.
- Trans-gender Pronoun-bender: later on at Linda's place, she and Chad-Brad make a Plan. It is here that we might suggest to differentiate between commentary and semi-liminal propaganda, over which the viewer has small defense. Swiveling around. Chad says, about Ozzie '...it doesn't look like SHE's gonna play ball...'. NLP dude, and the P is for Programming. Next and again about Ozzie, Chad puts a special lilt into the pronoun HE.
Chad's 'she' is meant to mean 'Katie' (Swinton), from whose image and dialogue we have just cut, and right on the reel change too. She is the source of the disk. She is the one stirring up the shit. Ozzie's mem-wa is headed for the remainder bin, until Katie back-doors him in the basement. To cement this contact, Linda says to Chad, '...we have to show him who's BOSS...'
Linda continues '...we caught him with his dick in a big fat wringer, with us in the driver's seat...'. Atrocious multiple entendre. The wringer is an anus, but Ozzie isn't the one doing the fucking. Katie is the fucker. Katie is the hammer. Chad and Linda's best laid plans are in fact a sketch of the Freudian Electra Complex, which is the origin of the theory of penis envy. Katie Cox plays out the female fantasy fuck of return attrition. Katie will fuck the male race up the ass, and she ain't bringin' no Astroglide, nee-ther.
Vengence is mine, sayeth the Scarlet Whore of Babalon. Good money all says: never doubt it.
- Here is the ???: the second scene at Katie's Lawyer. We will look at this scene lastmost (better get your shades).
- Harry to Katie: '...we have all the time in the world...'.
Wow is this a ton of tuna! Such is the title of the love song that closes On Her Majesties Secret Service. Novel '63, Movie '69. The magick 6. Bond is MI6, the 6th Bond movie, 6 years from page to screen. This 666 may seem opaque, but look closer and find the after image of laser directed mind control.

Fay Dunaway/Fading Away. Diana Rigg/Die in a Rig.
Laser directed fuckin' mind control.
Big step. Chapman and Hinkley were Manchurian Candidates. The Flag of China is Red and Yellow. Just like The Catcher in the Rye (Rice) cover - lugged by more than one post mortem star (hang on, sloopy).
Just look at the wiki image of old Lazer-beam!
The sticker on the windshield of Chad's car reads 12/08 meaning Dec 2008 expiry. But taken as a month and day this is Dec 8. Dec 8 is the papal fixation of the Annunciation of Immaculate Mary (AIM), when Mary was impregnated with the so-called Christ. Mary is a Rose, so flowers as Rose Mary. 12/8 is a Rosemary's Baby sync. Now as you may already know, Rosemary's Baby was filmed on location at the Dakota Building, a Manhattan Project on Manhattan Island. Lennon was murdered under the exact same archway where walk in Rosemary and her Guy in the opening scene of RB. X marks the spot, on Dec 8 1980.
A Turtle on an Elephant's Back.
You better watch out Jack... we all shine on.
Catcher in the Rye: For several decades, American paperback issues of Catcher in the Rye had an all red cover with golden lettering.
Compare the Rooster on the Pillar (on the book's spine) to the Carriage on the Mountain.
On his mortal stake-out from his car, Chad and his environs are in muted browns. The only primaries are his red tie and the yellow parking permit. This color match is re-enforced when Katie's red sedan is seen through Chad's windshield, obscured in part by the parking pass.
Mark David Chapman carried a copy of CITR to his rendezvous with destiny. His gun was in the other pocket. John Hinkley also schlepped Salinger's sordid romp, and cited it as the inspiration to kill Reagan. This detailing is muchos importantos.
Catcher/Red and Yellow/Mind Controlled Murder/Reagan/Lennon/The Dakota/Rosemary's Baby/Catholic Annunciation Alchemy/Dec 8/Anti-Christ...
All in twenty seconds of BAR.
For the musical. 12/8 is a time signature marked in four groups of three eighth-notes. 3333. Thirty Three and a Third. Three T's. Three Hebrew Tav's. Three crosses on Golgotha. The sacrificial murder of the messiah. Alpha and Omega. Round and round she goes, like a record baby. 33 1/3 is the turntable speed for an LP (Long Play).

- Harry's mechanical bull ride is Babe the Blue Ox. Harry is Paul Bunyan, handy man. A complication. The Biblical analog of Bunyan is Samson.
Harry is Samson: He is strong, he is a lover. He trims his hair for Delilah (Katie or Linda or Sandy). He is always jawing his bone, sexually and verbally. His Big Blue Buick is tagged 721-F5E. GBA-FEE. The Hebraic Gimel is kin to the English letter C. CBA-FEE. Cab-Fee. Keep this fair in mind.
Babe the Blue Ox: The Hebrew tensive is the more logical Blue Ox Babe. The gematria of Blue Ox Babe is 277. Gematria is the Hebrew science of number/letters and is not to be confused with numerology. In ancient Hebrew there are no numbers. Only letter strings that equal total sums. I won't break it down but here are the key correspondences. 277: Enormous Champion/Treasurer (Harry is with Treasury)/Bombed (specific past tense)/Shining/Warning.
The Son of Sam was aka The .44 Caliber Killer. His weapon was a Charter Arms Bull Dog Revolver. CAB.
His final 2 kills in '77. 2/77.
277 = 16 which is 4 x 4. .44 Caliber. Moreover, the Hardbodies St. Address of 1665, when divided by 6, is 277 and 1/2. Fractionally 555/2. Five-five-five over Two. I hear bells! Blue Ox Babe/277.5/277 points 5/The Charter Arms Bulldog (CAB) has 5 chambers.
277 points 5. 555/2. Three 5's is 15. XV. 555 over Two, or as I like to call it, Tea for Three.
Another critical cue is that in gematria, BOB also equals Marathon. In Marathon Man (MM), Dustin Hoffman plays Babe. Running always running. Running on bridges. Just like Harry.
- Wall Hangings: The pictures on the walls of Ozzie's deep brown hoochin' haunt are of slaves and native amer-inds. Just follow... Ozzie Cox he took an axe and gave old Teddy forty whacks. His fate has a chilling reminder: Oz's ticket is punched and he goes comatose. He is a frickin' thawed out Jack Torrance (Nicholson: The Shining). In a limited sense Blakemore's The Family of Man scores a hit.
And Ozzie's confident is called Hal! Hal is thespioned by Brian O'Neill who has a band (rock band) called Minus Ted. Hal/Floyd/Lloyd (BAR-tender)/Ozzie's BAR-bar/Minus Ted (does Ozzie think Ted might represent a Russian agency? Greek and Cyrillic are kin of letterin') Jenkins plays a Russian Sleeper Agent in Little Nikita/2001: Floyd discusses Clavius with the Russkies/Shining Jack gets served at the Bar - so does Ozzie/Minus Ted - Minus The Head/Wounded Head/Kennedy/Catholic Alchemy.
Could it be a Revenge of the Jew code?
Here's how it plays: Ozzie is Aryan ('...I'm bigger, you fuckers, I'm better, I'm back...') and doesn't know it - per se. He must be exterminated to uphold the eternal damnation of the indo-european and teutonic races. But Ozzie escapes in the womb of his vampire wife, Katie/Rosemary. As The Shining closes Wendy and Danny make on the lam down the Sidewinder. The final image shows a crucifxial sign post in the mist (screen right). Mother and Child are marked by their bloodline. Their desertion is a false oasis. Now we can decode The Shining's deleted scene, of Danny and Wendy in Hospital. The common Hebrew word for Hospital is Beth. Beth-Bayt-House of God. Christ may save you from the Wrath of God but you always come-to in the hospital, the hotel-dieu, the house. Lost forever in the game. The house always wins - well, almost always.
- Chad goes in through Ozzie's basement door. Ozzie gets bummed again.
Chad in his red tie, stands in a plumb line beneath a water pipe. Chad, who almost never wears a tie, seems tense. He cracks his neck decidedly to the right. Chad is hanging himself. Upstairs in the bedroom closet. Chad again stands beneath a horizontal support - the closet clothes hanger (bar).
The bedroom closet: haunting ground of the sex game called autoerotic asphyxiation. In Trainspotting, Renton describes heroin as better than '...10,000 orgasms'. Such result is also the ardent aim of auto-eros strangulation. Hutchins and David Carradine both used heroin. Both came-to-a-head in the closet, so to speak.
As we later learn, Chad's body will be dumped in a lake, fished out and burned. Hanged/Beheaded/Drowned/Burned. In her Jomba Juice Jive, Linda's con invokes the elements. Chad, at her behest, descends into the furnace of the Alchemist and gets lead instead of gold.
Linda and Chad are Hansel and Gretel and Katie is the mean old witch. Katie's recipe is a cauldron of transformation. Chad gives all he can give so his sister can live (get a new body). All America's choked up inside.
Watch the viddie. Self Sacrifice. Suicide. Strangulation. Heroin Injection. Eddie's sister, Mary Louise, needed an operation... Chad and Linda. Eddie and Mary Louise. Osiris and Isis (although but one pair from out of many trumps). Chad is Linda's victim as Ozzie will be Katie's. It is almost as if what is happening is that the frames of film on the reel somehow bleed their codes into other frames that they touch. Thin film interference. Picture upon picture. Movie within movie.
- Harry always runs at least 5 miles. Today he will run 5.2. Harry calls it five-and-a-deuce. Five and Two is Seven. Seven Miles. Seven Limes. And it is just because he takes this run and heads quickly back to 160 Olive St. that Harry catches Chad in the closet and plugs him in the mugsy. It looks as if seven miles is some sort of execution code. Seven Green Miles (Limes). Stephen King/The Red King/Alchemy/Execution/Drowning/Water/Electricity/Electrocution (victims are baptized with a sponge to aid conductivity).
Wes Craven's Shocker also comes to mind. Begins with an electrocution and ends in a lake.
- Before he blows out Chad's brains (if Chad has any) Harry sings Born Free. The movie and the song Born Free is unleashed upon humanity in Jun '66. 666. The day of the 22nd. Rosemary's Baby is born free on film Jun 28 '66. Day One of the Year One and butt 6 days after the Elsa the lion slouches eastward for Bethlehem. 1966 is the gematria for the Hebrew curled as in curled up in the womb. Me oh my.
- Kalima 2, we learn from Palmer (David Rasche) is the CIA's man inside the Russian Embassy. Kali-ma is the chant of Thuggie cultists. Kali is Sanskrit for black. Palmer is reporting on the death of Chad, who is also Mr. Black (Chad's nom d'espion). Chad's body is to be burned. Kali is the Goddess of Cremation.
- As discussed, Ozzie's ship board ship-shape-up is a pretty blatant Nazi symbology. It could easily be taken as a razzberry at the Nazi's. Nevertheless, we detect a Boys from Brazil motif. In TBFB all the boys fathers are civil servants like Ozzie and must be killed. Is BAR a widget in this murderous mechanism, and designed to create predictively programmed dead beat dads - unemployed bums and suicide cases? Much easier than mass assassination, don't you think?
So, let's say the HB's are in fact a metaphor for eugenic psy-engineering...
The Day After Tomorrow is a 1994 novel with motifs found tattooed all over the Inglorious Basterds, which is the first openly cinemax-troverted Revenge of the Jew. In TDAT, two young blue-bred brothers are being groomed and curried as the next Fuhrer. Say no more, cuz the book is a fuckin' riot, but these two bro's are the Hardy Boys. The HB's, like Tin-tin and Snowy, is Nazi Eugenic Manchu Program-paganda Extravaganza, and long predates the WWII.
- Before Harry T-bones the scheister's private dick, we get our most appealing look at Harry's plate, which I decode as CAB-Fee. CAB-Fee is an ultra-pun. A dog barks in the offing of Harry's rundown. Samson, Son of Sam. Ruff-ruff. Kill your neighbors.
As Harry takes to the mill wheel, the Shamus plays pinball as he tries to free his car and make a getaway. Initiated by Harry and we are between the Pillars of Dagon. See Samson pushing them away with all his might. Notice the color combo of the street front. Red and Gold. A Ruby Ray.
When the kid-dick says '...yes, it's a law firm...' it's to the tune of a schoolyard taunt. Nah-Nah-nuh-Nah-Nah! And this-away the burden of Christ is revealed. The Sins of Man, to be visited upon the Son of Man, must be 'enacted' by the Son of Man - Son of Sam. It isn't enough to merely punish Christ for defying God. He must be framed-up as the Guilty Party of All Sin. And with subtlety that is Beauty Incarnate. Christ is Prometheus, and golly is God royally pissed.
The Shamus to Harry: '...Jesus, grow up man, it happens to every-body...'. Harry will later say to Linda, on the promenade '...I realize that no one is immortal...'. Translated for the hoi-polloi: Christ is a liar. There is no eternal life, no resurrection. Christ is Immortal/Christ is No One (Jasper Noone - the Khrist-ly Killer of Eastwood's Bloodwork)/Christ is a Serial Killer/Save Our Souls.
- Here's where is gets a wee touch creepy, ladies and joyms.
My copy of BAR was scored from a street front table at an all-night viddy store in Chinatown and has the cigarette burns intact.
Burwell's cheery Seattle Fanfare closes with the tinkle of a bell (triangle). The sound is bright and clear and is timed precisely with the burn at the end of the 2nd reel. The 3rd reel starter flares over Sandy like the Great Gazoo, just as she says the word asleep. It's fucking hip-gnosis. Ja-heee-zuss! And some how braided into the Samson/Son of Sam/Sultan of Salad/SOS motif. We might infer that Seattle is a kind of Sodom or Gemorrah - peopled perhaps by cultists of a kind distasteful to God?
And we're back: Good Morning (Mourning) Seattle. A Proustian inversion of Bush and his Pet Goat. Sandy reads'...asleep for three minutes...' at the start of reel 3. Bell (a bell rings in the projection booth), Book (Point of Order Oliver) and Ken Doll Candle (TV Broadcaster).
Here's a hoot in the holler: Oliver the Cat Who Lives in the Rotunda. OTCWLITR. What do you see? The gematria for OTCWLITR is 354. Many fruitful corollaries, but here's a nice one. 354 = Assassin, Slayer, Murderer, Butcher. This is a mind control trigger and it's a wicked fuckin' curve ball. Recall Dirty Harry Pfarrar out for the P.I. on Olive Street. The barking dog. The Red and Yellow Manchu Trigger? Lawyers as Owls. O-liver W-endeL Holmes.
Sandy reads from Oliver the Cat. Point of Order Oliver.
The Owl serves the Law just as he serves-up the Law. He delivers the summons and codifies the social program. He launders money and washes brains.
Let's look again at the string OTCWLITR. The word OWL is readily visible. What remains is TCITR. The Catcher In The Rye. (!!!) I mean can this be for rizzle ma nizzle dizzle!? To bring the junk to shore, The POOO cover is lighted to first appear Red and Gold, surrounded by a sea of blue. China, the Great Red Dragon of Dawn, rides the waves of tranquility. In the flat un-shadowed light the Red and Golden becomes Red and White. The Rising Sun. Japan. The gleaming sun in the GMSeattle cryon is displayed on a JVC digital TV. Japan Video Corp.
With two you get eggroll.
- Anagram 'KHEX Seattle' and a certain term leaps out. Theta. Theta is the 8th letter of the Greek Alphabet and equals 8 in Hebrew gematria. Ritual circumcision, Mitzvah Bar-One, is performed on the eight day of life. In Jewish Mysticism Theta is the signature of a 'circling eagle'. Fah Rizz!
The anagrams are: Thetas Ex Elk/Theta Elk Sex/Theta Ex's Elk. Elks are a branch of freemasonry.
8/Theta/Circling Eagle/Russian Berkut/Berkowitz,nee Falco/Son of Sam/Sultan of Salad/S.O.S.
The letter Theta looks like an I-Beam/Bar inside a circle. The Ego, trapped in an Eggo. A Winged Serpent waiting to be hatched. My goodness, Junebug!
- There is a runner on Ozzie's shipboard TV, as he rifles his mail. Corso is Latin (Roman/Christian/Nazi) for Runner. Like Ozzie, The Ninth Gate's Corso (Johnny Depp) doesn't know he is branded by his birth. As a runner he is the symbol for all who might hope to flee the Revenge of the Jew. T9thG openly romanticizes this process, as a trap for the fool's fascination. Corso says '...well I'll be damned...' and knows good and well the road he has chosen. After all, what else is there to do but burn a while.
- Ozzie's New Keys = Nuke Keys/Nookies/Nuke Ease/Anal Ease. Look at the light standards on Ozzie's pier. Are they missiles?
- The Brain of J: Ozzie descries 'a league of morons'. Pure cyanide. It is a metaphrase of A Confederacy of Dunces, the post suicidal triumph of John Kennedy Toole of New Orleans. That's right. John Kennedy Toole. I suspect he could, were he to chime in, explain a bit about Hurricane Katrina.
Maybe Katie Cox knows.
- And at last... our ???: from the second scene at Katie's Lawyer.
Tim Buk 2: Katie's grandfatherly divorce attorney bubbles about his recent attendance at a Kennedy Center Honor Ceremony. He drops a few names. One is that of Jane Alexander, DC based actress and Kennedy Honoree.
In Raising Arizona, H.I. (Nicholas Cage) is born the day after Kennedy is killed in Dallas. Terkharian regales his tales the day after the Kennedy Honors. Jane Alexander, his client and dead ringer on a stinger for Harry's wife Sandra (Liz Marvel) was the big star of the post-apocalyptic PBS Drama Testament, which was timed to coincide with the CBS mini-series The Day After, another post nuke melodrama.
If you don't see the resemblance between the ladies, have yer peepers checked.
Now, you may need to change your Huggies, because here at last comes the cornerstone.
Testament was directed by Lynne Littman. Lyn_ Lit_. Linda Litsky - Lynn Littman.
Are you getting this?
Thema 1.1
Reality is an after-image. The kaleidoscopic counterpoint of an alchemical war that rages in a million dreaming minds. Much of madness, more of sin, and horror the soul of the plot. Horror - and by all accounts, some quality merchandise.
A confession. When I - your humble narrator Artislav Mel - when I developed this theory, I was sure it was a unique discovery. Without the least chagrin I report to have learned that it is all laid out by Mcluhan, or Joyce, or Huston, or Polanski, or Kubrick,
or Bob... the list goes on.
Here it is through my eyes. The Satanic Nyarlhotep is unleashed from the Pentagon-acle as the consequence of Fat Man and Little Boy - '45. The Global Star Wars Stage is set in '63, designed by the very Architect of Time as the exo-structure of Hell. Dr Strangelove and/or Failsafe document the destruction of life on earth, triggered by a heretofore unknown Soviet doomsday device. The power of this device is not against biology but rather full scale reality itself, and ever since that sunny day it's Apocalypse Now and Again. The mem's of the mega-dead at the moment of the flash - and all the bitter dreams what come on along behind. I know that ain't all of it - but I have seen the plasma strike and glow - and I know.
Lightspeed baby. Truckin' through time as the war rages out beyond Uranus, and slips the surly bonds of Earth toward the Plutonian Shore. The blue and yellow cover says it all. Time War.
Time is all we've got. Let's make the worst of it.
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