Just read a comment by O.G sync blogger Micheal from Gosporn over at Look at All the Happy Creatures, Never Doubt Synchronicity. The post mentions Jim's Double Rainbow as 84 idea which sparks this comment from Michael.
Wow. Interesting that today, 8/4, we see California Prop. 8 overturned in Federal District Court as unconstitutional. While the "coronal ejection" AKA crown seminal fluid baths the planet.
Micheal associates the Courts dessication to overturn Prop 8 (which made gay marriage illegal) to August 4 or 8/4 resonating Double Rainbow.
Micheal is a gay man who has always incorporated that theme into his work so it makes total sense he would pick this up...

Jupiter relates to words Jovian/Jovial thus Joy or Gay.
Here is a Sync Whole post about Gay Pride and the Temple as Jupiter from last year, Jovian Pride.
Above is Funny or Die's clip called Prop 8 - The Musical starring Jack Black and John C. Reilly.

Some dubious connections...
ReplyDeleteA PROP-ellor (of an aircraft or boat or submarine) made of 4 arms is an 8 bladed PROPellor.
The Pool of the Black Star contains a depiction of an 8 bladed PROP-ellor (PROP 8), in the form of the STAR.
Re: The Jupiter, Jovial, Gay, Happy, Joy link in the words
Jake, that certainly adds insight as to why they start their parade at the MB LEG (although it seems EVERYTHING starts at the MB LEG!)
"A PRIDE" is also what you call a group of LIONs or LEOs.
Which gets even more fascinating when looking at the Tribe of Judah whose symbol was the LION.
In English we have the bpd spinner/reflector which then makes it "JUPAH" not a far stretch to "JU-PATER"
Which etymologically is also not a far cry from "HU - PATER"
On Wikipedia, you can see the LION OF JUDAH used on a rainbow in the symbol of the FLAG of Ethiopia .
I also found it interesting that you made this post on August 6th.
ReplyDeleteAugust 6th 2010 is the 65th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima (HeRo-SHE-MA).
On August 6th, 1945 The "Little Boy" atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan from the "ENOLA GAY", a Boeing B-29 Superfortress.
On August 9th, 1945 the "FAT MAN" (kinda like Yosemite Bear! "WHOA.... DuhBell Rain Bow") atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
From Wikipedia link
ReplyDeleteAtomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
" The 393d Bombardment Squadron B-29 Enola Gay, piloted and commanded by 509th Composite Group commander Colonel Paul Tibbets, was launched from North Field airbase on Tinian in the West Pacific, about six hours flight time from Japan. The Enola Gay (named after Colonel Tibbets' mother) was accompanied by two other B-29s. The Great Artiste, commanded by Major Charles W. Sweeney, carried instrumentation; and a then-nameless aircraft later called Necessary Evil (the photography aircraft) was commanded by Captain George Marquardt.[25]
After leaving Tinian the aircraft made their way separately to Iwo Jima where they rendezvoused at 2,440 meters (8,010 ft) and set course for Japan"
2,440 m
3x93 = 279 (729)
Bravo Strange Eye... Strickly atomic.
ReplyDeleteNice one! I’m looking forward to the workshop tonight. I was looking at the Route 42 syncs earlier this week as I realized I drive up Route 42 twice a day to get to and from work. I also park on level P2 or pb or db or 42 of the Winnipeg Millenium Library parking lot. Oh wow as I’m typing this I realized my licence plate starts with DB nice. Also the old Masonic temple is at the southeast corner of Ellice and Donald (Route 42).
ReplyDeleteThis rainbow post also ties in with a major sync hole I fell into this week about Elvis. Remember that one comment I made a few posts back about the Technicolor Dreamcoat production at RAINBOW stage with Elvis as a Pharaoh? (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5117850&id=54409692270)
Well I started to read Elvis’s Wikipedia page and it’s sync gold. I don’t have a blog at all but was thinking of making one and the first post being about him. For instance:
• Elvis died at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977. Check out this picture of the front page of the SUN newspaper: http://www.bl.uk/learning/images/front%20page/elvis-st.jpg
• August 16, 2010 is the 33rd anniversary of his death. Jesus died at the age of 33.
• Elvis died in Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis is the 1st of the nomes (provinces) of lower Egypt and the 22nd of the nomes of Upper Egypt (There are a total of 42 nomes in all of Egypt). Memphis was also the place that marked the boundary between Upper and Lower Egypt. So this brings it full circle back to the Elvis as Pharaoh in the Rainbow stage production.
• Memphis, Tennessee. Tennessee sounds like 10C. 10th letter of the alphabet? J! So Tennessee could be 10C or JC.
• Graceland, Elvis’s home and now themepark is just south of Memphis Tennessee. I did an anagram search of Graceland and got Arc Angled so I did a search of Elvis and archangel. Check out this eagle cape from a concert in Hawaii: http://www.elvisblog.net/Jumpsuits,%20Jewelry%20and%20Junk/American%20Eagle%20Cape.jpg
• Elvis was on the label SUN records.
• Elvis’ 1st wife was Priscilla Beaulieu. PB. Spins to db. 42.
• Elvis is known as the King of Rock and Roll. King of particle and wave? King of vibration? Shake those hips!
• In Frank’s forbidden knowledge class yesterday we were talking about the Masonic layout of Washington DC and he mentioned that on August 16th, 3 stars rise over 3 of the monuments but never really explained the meaning of it. I’ve got to ask about that next time. The August 16th date pinged immediately as Elvis’ death date so I came home and tried to find out what that alignment was. Anyways, I haven’t been able to confirm this yet but apparently there was a grand cross alignment on the day Elvis died (August 16, 1977). So potentially Elvis died on the cross. That’s pretty crazy! See here: http://www.synchromysticismforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=10676
This makes me want to watch 3000 Miles to Graceland and all of Elvis’ movies to see what else this might spawn.
On a sidenote in Frank’s class we also got on the topic of Tie Creek and I asked Frank how I could get formal, proper access to visit the site and he pointed me in your direction.
Awesome Stephen. I feel a blog coming out of you. See you tonight. And yes I can be the gatekeeper for tie creek. i will make a trip there soon and you are welcome to join me.
Thanks Will...
ReplyDeletenot to get too far off the subject, but it can get even STRANGER!
which, in certain circles (and the 1984 movie "The Philadelphia Experiment", starring Michael Paré) was believed to have opened the door, so to speak, on Teleportation (StarG8s) and Time Travel.
Which the other half of J-Squared (JIM) reminded me of yesterday with his twitpic of the Back to the Future poster and uncovering of 88 Miles per Hour = 142 Kilometers per Hour
Excellent vid on the subject...
Youtube - The True Story of the Philadephia Experiment"
dali atomic cross..
ReplyDeleteThat was the most straight forward written post I've seen from this Gay fan club.
ReplyDeleteSorry, should've added for anyone wondering about the connections between Atomic Bomb project (also known as Manhattan/Man ATEN Project) and Project RAINBOW and Philadelphia experiment...
ReplyDeleteIt is believed that all the same high level physicists worked on both.
names like Einstein, and Tesla, ...
One of the best documentary series that names the names behind the scenes is "PHENOMENON: The Lost Archives", coincidentally starring QUANTUM LEAP's (an old time travel TV Series) Dean Stockwell, as host.
The WATCHMEN graphic novel/comic and movie has a big blue Dr. Manhattan, an ex-physicist with god-like,Djinn-Like (Jupiter/Zeus like) powers who is also able to teleport and move forward and backward in time.
@Chris K,
that from a sycophant/SYNC-O-Phant who put his time into making a blog called the "The Stynk Hole"?
and while I'm personally not gay, I'm certainly no homophobe and I fully respect each individual's right to love whomever they choose from any gender!
And whether syncs come from straight or gay is irrelevant, we're all "humans being".
As to Cali's Prop 8, if gays and lesbians want to get married and be as unhappy as the majority of those in straight marriage, I say let them! (LOL!)
I had the most vivid and strange and wonderful dream last night where I met versions of all of you and Michael from Gosporn. We had to climb up to this elevated rooftop and the only way up was this tiny ladder that buckled whenever I felt panic that I was too high. So, the way up was to overcome fear.
ReplyDeleteI have to run to work, but I had to check in and find us all in the same place. Amazing.
You're all wonderful.
has anyone note, (i'm sure they have) that Obama's bday is 8/4--that like the queen, he too is a double rainbow?
ReplyDeleteYes Doug. That is why the diagram I did has the double rainbow ring with the blackstar in the middle. obama is the blackstar. remember that 42 jupiter blackstar graphic i did awhile back.
ReplyDeletemanitoba + manitoba = manitOBAMAnitoba
42 + 42 = 84
manitoba is "tin obama"
silly stuff bro
I did this massive comment that google promptly ate, so now just a thanks for the shout out and much love to the Syncho's out there. Hope to meet y'all on the roof someday, after climbing Jacob's rickety ladder. --M
ReplyDeleteMasterful punmanship...Mr. Kirkpatrick called us Gay and straight all in the same breath.
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout that...
ReplyDeletefor the first time in 65 years a US representative attended the annual Hiroshima memorial in Japan...
The attendee was US ambasador to Japan, John Victor Roos... who was born on 2/14/55 (of course!!)
Here's the AP's story on Youtube of the event. Lots of relevant syncs in the images!
2010 year we make contact is born in 19>84<
Fidel Castro, age 84 on 13 august
ReplyDeleteFidel Castro back in Cuban parliament, gives speech after 4 years
A Musing on Enola Gay...
ENOLA = E(ast) New Orleans, LA
ENOLA = opposite of "ALL ONE"
ReplyDeleteDon't know if it has been noted here before...
ReplyDeletebut, since I mentioned The Watchmen movie earlier:
I noted another 24/42 appearance...
When Dr.Manhattan is "made" in the Intrinsic Field Lab in the movie, the time lock clock on the wall as the door closes is at 24.xx seconds (somewhere about 24.50 seconds to be exact)
and if we use 24 hour time, all the clocks in the scene and the watch are at 2400 hrs.
and that SYNC came because I was reading an article on Mary Roach's new book "PACKING FOR MARS". Immediately after completing the article I turned on the tv - which happened to be tuned to a movie channel, and the very first image that appears on the screen was Dr. Manhattan on MARS!
having seen that, and knowing from past experience how SYNCs unfold information, I continued to watch the movie to see what else would might stand out to me.
and the SYNCs continue...
ReplyDeleteright after posting the above comment I thought I should check out Red Ice Creations for Henrik Palmgren's latest updates to end my weekend and
low and behold, there's a link and lead story titled:
Mars’s remarkable Bull’s-Eye Crater
This unusual crater was photographed from 190 miles up by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
and the top story in the lower section:
Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers
is this in sync?
ReplyDeleteSee the rainbow logo of old amiga compunter
1985-2010 amiga still return with new amigaone X1000
IO is the key, you mention Gios, the singer Dio was born in 1942 from the band rainbow, if you add up RIO=42. I keep getting IO syncs, by jove.
ReplyDeletethen the captcha code was rtIOrtypatebro !!!
ReplyDeleteI/O = Input/Output in computer speak.