The video shows the Dragon/Alien (representing "2012: Year of the Dragon" starting Jan 23) as being born from John Hurt (born Jan 22).
This is match cut with Paul Scofield (born Jan 21) looking at the "chain of office" around Hurt's neck in A Man for All Seasons.

Hurt's character is wearing this "chain of office" as he has been appointed the Attorney General of Wales.

"The system of the twelve-year cycle of animal signs was built from observations of the orbit of Jupiter (the Year Star; simplified Chinese: 岁星; traditional Chinese: 歳星; pinyin: Suìxīng). Following the orbit of Jupiter around the sun, Chinese astronomers divided the celestial circle into 12 sections, and rounded it to 12 years (from 11.86)." Wiki Chinese astrology
This Friday, Feb 3, sees the release of Big Miracle starring Drew Barrymore interacting with whales.
Wales associates with the Dragon & sounds like Whales thus the Whale resonates the Dragon. The Chinese Zodiac & animal further has a specific element associated to each year and 2012 is the Water Dragon.

We see Josh Hartnett strange attracts the Dragon above in August and below in Wicker Park.

For a laugh I Googled "Whale Dragon", the universe called my bluff and then some, spitting back the film "Age of Dragons" as one of the top hits.

Sir Richard:
Josh 'Whale' Hartnett and Scarlett 'Dragon' Johansson both starred together in The Black Dahlia.
While Jake's been at the Whale-watching I've been doing a spot of Bird-watching myself.
Sign a song of six-pence, a pocket full of rye
4 and 20 black birds baked in a Pi....

John 'The Raven' Cusack entrains with the Year of the Dragon due to his starring role in the movie 2012.
Brandon 'The Crow' Lee (born February 1st) entrains with the Year of the Dragon via his father Bruce 'Enter the Dragon' Lee.
The Fire Dragon (Father) and Black Bird (Son) seem to sit well together.
With this in mind I decided to check out The Girl in the Dragon Tattoo remake and was pleased to notice that the trippy intro sequence features the flaming Crow/Raven and Dragon.

Actress Noomi Rapace (seen below) starred in the original Swedish version.

Or the 2012 'Holme Coming'.
'Dragon Girl' Noomi Rapace starred in the latest Sherlock movie so it makes sync-sense that Sherlock himself should be something of a 'Dragon Boy'.

Benedict Cumberbatch starred as Sherlock in the british TV show of the same name.
He's also the voice of Smaug the DRAGON and The neCROWancer in 2012 movie The Hobbit: There and Back Again.
He's also the voice of Smaug the DRAGON and The neCROWancer in 2012 movie The Hobbit: There and Back Again.
In Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy actor Benedict (whose name means "Blessed") plays the role of Gary Oldman's right-hand man. In the movie he seems to be the only one that Oldman truly trusts.
Gary Oldman starred in Tinker Tailor Soldier SPY and he also voiced a Dragon named Ignitus in a video game called SPYro.
Oldman's Ignitus happens to be a Red Dragon.

In Bram Stokers Dracula blood-sucker Gary Oldman wears Red armor and in the movies intro sequence we see that his symbol is that of the fire-breathing Dragon.
The London Olympic Games take place in July-August this year and I like how this entrains with another 'Games' movie due out March 23rd.
The London Olympic Games take place in July-August this year and I like how this entrains with another 'Games' movie due out March 23rd.

In the movie Lawrence's character proves to be gifted with the bow and arrow, making her the latest hollywood incarnation of 'Robin Hood' (albeit a more attractive one!).
Robin was of course played by actor Russell CROWe.
Jennifer Lawrence also starred in the latest X-Men: First Class movie and again her character entrains with the Black Bird.
A quick look at Jennifer's career also reveals that she starred in The Burning Plain which brings us back to.....well you probably guessed it already.
In the above poster we see a Crow (Burning Plane?) flying towards Twin Pillars while the angel of death steps forth. Makes me wonder if 2012 is going to deliver another consciousness-altering event which will rival that of 9/11.

Dec 21 Sam Jackson being 2012 Dan Glover....