Sunday, December 30, 2012
Jack Ruby
Syncjack from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.
Tom Cruise became super relevant as his film Jack Reacher opened on the Solstice date of 21 Dec, this being one of 3 Jack roles he has played in a row (not forgetting being a 4th Jack back in 1985's Legend).
Tom as 3 Jacks in a row: Stacee Jaxx (Jackie) in Rock of Ages, Jack Reacher and Jack Harper in the upcoming Oblivion.
Me and @syncwinnipeg highlight this in the "Syncjack" video above.
We are still working on Syncjack and plan to put out an updated version soon. Here is some quick sync from the last 48 hours.
Below Tom Cruise is looking for trouble (and a costume) under the Rainbow in Eyes Wide Shut.
He meets the proprietor of the Rainbow costume stores daughter, actress Leelee Sobieski.
Leelee plays Ruby in The Glass House. Ruby's parents are killed and one of her surrogate parents is Diane Lane. In the previous post I explained how Lane made her presence known via sync feedback from Syncjack.
Above is a list of films released in September 2001 and we see The Glass House is one of two (both staring Lane!) that opened on the weekend after 911 and the WTC attack. I see 911 as a marker of rapid "emergency" wake up into self realization for Planet Earth. Investigating 911 opened a Stargate through which sync and self gnosis entered into the world.
Syncjack was put out on another marker date, 21 December 2012, and it spit out Diane Lane as "The Answer".
Lane is Jack's mother in the most Jack resonating of all films, 1996's Francis Ford Coppola film "Jack". It starts with her at a dress up party as a Wizard of Oz witch. Specifically the Wicked Witch of the East whose only appearance in the classic film version is the feet upon which reside the famous Ruby Slippers that jut out from underneath the house via which Dorothy arrives in Munchkinland. Her husband is dressed as the Tin Man (originally played by actor Jack Haley in the 1939 film).
She goes into premature labor as Jack ages 4 times faster then normal. We see the Ruby slippers of Diane Lane are twin sentinels at the birth of Jack.
The "big guy" Jack aka Robin Williams who is actually only a "little boy". Note the 42 on the poster.
At the funeral for her parents back in The Glass House Ruby meets her Uncle Jack, who will later become her salvation when surrogate Diane Lane turns out to be a little dodgy. I like that we met Ruby under the Rainbow with Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut all resonating Oz loudly. Further we note that Uncle Jack, actor Chris Noth, in The Glass House is famous as Mr. Big from Sex and the City.
Anyway I should get back to work on Syncjack...!
You see there's this film that is coming out in April called "42" (The Meaning of Life the Universe and Everything). 42 is the angle at which refracted light becomes the rainbow.
See 42 trailer.
It's about the baseball player Jackie Robinson resonating big boy Jack aka Robin Williams. We saw how strongly the bat attracts to Jack in Syncjack, right?
Harrison Ford is in 42.
Ford is Jack Ryan from the Tom Clancy novels turned into films Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger.
Jack Ryan is also the name of a film currently set to be released on 25 December 2013 starring Chris "Captain Kirk" Pine.
That's the same time period Syncjack and Jack Reacher was released this year.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Syncjack 2012
Joy to the World!
Syncjack from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.
Interesting thing happened while making Syncjack. Diane Lane showed up repeatedly and unexpectedly as Jack's Mom in the Robin Williams film Jack, Hayden Christensen's Mom in Jumper and Janus connected in Judge Dredd.
Been keeping her in mind since noticing she was in both films released on the weekend after 9/11/2001 as discussed in "Glass House - Secret Rita".
In Syncjack we see Red Sync, then Blue, finally combining the two into purple. This is the same story as the two headed Janus syncs, Jupiter & Saturn come together to make Janus.
The scene that illustrates this perfectly is where Nicholas Cage uses special glasses with Red and Blue lenses, combining them to unlock the Purple secret. Perfectly entrained this secret reads "Lane".
Lane is Toni, Ben Affleck's, lover in Hollywoodland.
Above she actually says: "blue and red".
Ben Affleck plays George Reeves the real life 1950's television Superman. The fact that another Reeve, Christopher Reeve, would one day be famous for playing the 70's-80's movie Superman is interesting in itself but there is more here with Lane.
Lane is to be Superman's mother in the upcoming Man of Steel.

A screen shot from the great trailer featuring Lane as Martha Kent and Henry Cavill below as Superman.
"Unintentionally" the way Syncjack was put together we hear "You're the one, Jack's mother" aka Diane Lane.
Syncjack from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.
Interesting thing happened while making Syncjack. Diane Lane showed up repeatedly and unexpectedly as Jack's Mom in the Robin Williams film Jack, Hayden Christensen's Mom in Jumper and Janus connected in Judge Dredd.
Been keeping her in mind since noticing she was in both films released on the weekend after 9/11/2001 as discussed in "Glass House - Secret Rita".
In Syncjack we see Red Sync, then Blue, finally combining the two into purple. This is the same story as the two headed Janus syncs, Jupiter & Saturn come together to make Janus.
The scene that illustrates this perfectly is where Nicholas Cage uses special glasses with Red and Blue lenses, combining them to unlock the Purple secret. Perfectly entrained this secret reads "Lane".
Lane is Toni, Ben Affleck's, lover in Hollywoodland.
Above she actually says: "blue and red".
Ben Affleck plays George Reeves the real life 1950's television Superman. The fact that another Reeve, Christopher Reeve, would one day be famous for playing the 70's-80's movie Superman is interesting in itself but there is more here with Lane.

Lane is to be Superman's mother in the upcoming Man of Steel.

A screen shot from the great trailer featuring Lane as Martha Kent and Henry Cavill below as Superman.

"Unintentionally" the way Syncjack was put together we hear "You're the one, Jack's mother" aka Diane Lane.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Wizards from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
Happy Birthday Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick & Bill Hicks!Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Sync Serpent
This poster appeared today at so I figured it was time to drop my new video.
Q veils the letters OZ...a connection which hadn't occurred to me until now.
I like how Quartet stars Billy Connolly as he played a Snake handler in Lemony Snicket's...
...will aid Bilbo on his quest to find the Dragon...
...and also starred alongside Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai.
Tom Cruise with the Cue/Q:
When it comes to these Q syncs I'm never quite sure where to draw the line.
Here we see actor Ben Whishaw (Q in the latest Bond movie) sitting in front of a piano while Hugh Grant (a potent Worm/Wyrm/Snake resonator) hovers at his shoulder. I like how he's highlighted by the red line.
While putting the pieces of the video together I noticed that the character JACK Ryan syncs with the serpent.
Marina Abramović is a New York-based Serbian artist who began her career in the early 1970s. Active for over three decades, she has recently begun to describe herself as the "grandmother of performance art." Abramović's work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind.
In the soundtrack of 'Dragon Head No.2', Abramovic's voice-over hypnotically repeats 'follow my skin, follow my energies, follow the earth's skin, follow the crystal's skin... the heat of my skin, deep in the centre of my being...'. In 'Dragon Head No.4', the contraction of the snakes' muscles can be easily noticed as Abramovic's face is pushed and distorted by the movements of the snake. The work clearly refers to the Medusa-theme and snakes in general are a recurring motif in Abramovic's work.
ISIS or Mary (like Marina) was sometimes embodied by the Serpent.
In the previous post Jake mentioned that This is 40 will be released on the Mayan end date, December 21st 2012, and points to union with the sacred feminine/Mary/Isis.
Leslie Mann, seen above in front of the Mirror and Sink/Sync, also played a character called Scarlet in 17 Again.
Q = 17th letter
In the movie actor Matthew Perry, who has recently split with Leslie Mann, falls into The Sink/Sync Whole....
...and emerges from the other end as a 17 year old.
His youthful self, played by Zac Effron, can now go about reconciling his broken relationship with Leslie Mann/Scarlet/Mary/Isis/Serpent.
These are today's, Dec 3rd, birthday stars.
The same day I am watching this amazing video by @blackdogstar featuring a Julianne Moore and Hannibal/Jurassic Park 2 DINO sync.
Nice that what is seen depicted in the video, a DINO's gaping jaws coming at Julianne Moore (representing galactic alignment in the video) is true for another star born today, Brendan Fraser.
Continuing on the serpent theme today is "Deadly Viper Assassination Squad" member Daryl Hannah's birthday aka "California Mountain Snake".
Yesterday (Dec 2) Lucy Liu aka "Cottonmouth" had her birthday.
Neat that the Uma Thurman aka "Black Mamba" is also Medusa.
We see serpents attract during the period Richard dropped his video.
Short recap: Jim's 42 Jupiter discovery leads to...
...the answer to life, the universe and everything, given by the computer Deep Thought.
By mirroring Jupiter's symbol, Richard unveils the number 17...
...and points to the 17th letter of the alphabet: Q...
...which looks like an abstract symbol for an apple (thx Foxi @SyncNetz).
The ultimate Q is the question of knowledge...
...leading back to Deep Thought's manufacturer: apple / Q.
The ultimate question derives from the same source as the ultimate answer.
It's beyond good & evil and considered BAD to know...
Been thinking how Q leads to the Hook. The engine of the infinite mystery of creation and being.
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