Also starring in The Debt alongside Mirren & Chastain is Sam Worthington.
Sam knows lots about the Tree of Life from his explorations as a Navi on Pandora from the movie Avatar. While on Pandora he fights on side with the indigenous people to protect their own spiraling Tree of Life.

Both Chastain & Worthington being connected to the Tree of Life is a vivid sync, but it is best informed by the third star in the equation - Helen Mirren.
Mirren stars in 2010: The Year We Make Contact where she travels to Jupiter and is instrumental in igniting Jupiter as a second sun.

I find the star child on the poster of 2010 resonant with the child's foot on the poster of Tree of Life. 2001: A Space Odyssey syncs with Tree of Life even more so. The posters seems to suggest a full baby.

Helen Mirren is famous for playing The Queen in movies. She is the Queen of Hollywood. Our Jovian Queen of the Heavens. I write this post on July 26th, her birthday.
Happy bearthday Helen!

Helen Mirren voices the super computer Deep Thought in the movie Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy where she computes the answer to life, the universe and everything as the number 42.
To see one view of why 42 syncs with Jupiter check out my first sync blog post on the number 42: The Tinman's Rainbow Lodge & the Gnosis of 42.

As Queen of Heaven, Mirren tends to see RED when her children are BAD(214). The word bad seems to resonate Jupiter by way of the numbers it's letter are in the alphabet. B=2, 1=A, D=4.

All this debt talk in the news syncs quite powerfully with the sync brightness of the upcoming movie The Debt which stars Mirren, Chastain & Worthington.
The big debt showdown in the USA that has the whole financial world on edge culminates on AUGUST 2ND.

August 2nd is also Sam Worthington's birthday.

That's the Sam that not only is a Blue Avatar, but also a Tin Man with big heart (Terminator Salvation) and of course Perseus, Son of Zeus (Jupiter), in the movie Clash of the Titans.

From a spiritual standpoint I interpret this DEBT sync web as suggesting that our spiritual debt is maxed out. Judgment time is upon us. What does this mean? It means we must face ourselves. Any debt we have is really only owed to our self. We must let it go if we want to be free. Forgive yourself and others (who are just reflections of our self).
As has been mentioned by others in the comments here, Debt is an illusion. Indeed it is. Everything we identify here is an illusion. Still perception of debt is a great teacher that helps us awaken and be free. For many people material & spiritual debt is very real. This is why it is compassionate to help those entrapped by it to let go of it.
Joy is but a moment away for all of us.
DEBT is the DB E.T., or the 42 Extra-Terrestrial.
Making contact with the Joy from on High.
I will add more as flux permits.
Peace everyone.
July 27 - 2011
I'm back. Following sync is one thing, starting to write about and lay it out, that's its own special kind of monster. Something that is harder and harder for me to do in this fast flowing world of sync racing to the singularity.
I first posted this last night, on Helen "Cosmis Queen" Mirren's birthday. I also did an Ayahuasca ceremony. Something I like to do after I manage to write a post here.
Then today as I was mulling over the syncs of this post I noticed via Wikipedia that August 2nd aka DeBt default Day & Sam "Avatar" Worthington's BDay, is the 214th day of the year.

214 for me reads BAD, as B is the 2nd letter, A the first & D the fourth.
214 for myself suggest Juno, the feminine aspect of Jupiter/Joy.
We first connected 214 with Juno back in 2009. Here is the blog post about it.
It was not until a later date that we realized the jovian number 124 could be rearranged to 214, which alphabetically gave us the word BAD.
To give you an idea of why these numbers might resonate, here are some recent images I've grabbed from the numbers 214 or various combinations of
Appropriately so, Rep Weiner, subject of a twitter sex pic scandal, was office number 2014.
An overt BAD winks to us in that number.

In the video I noticed the name tag for the employee speaking has the date May 20, 2014.

420 Bullseye from Rough Video on Vimeo.
One last thing...It's great that August 2nd is the 214th day of the year, but what even cooks my noggin' even more is that August 2nd, could be read 8/2 or 82.
The 8th letter of the alphabet is H.
August 2nd, or 82 then can be H2.
Things brings us right back to the Hydrogen & Water mysteries that been explored much here
Check out the post SUPER 8 for more around H & H2.

Peace In & Out for now.

Richard :-

I hopped into the scene where the panic stricken mother (Jodie Foster) and daughter (Kristen Bell) are locked away inside the Panic Room while three thieves try to figure out how to get at them.
Jodie comforts her daughter Kristen as she is on the verge of meltdown. Kristen is a DiaBETic and seriously needs her insulin...which is of course outside with the intruders.
NOW is a good time for them to PANic!!!

It's great that August 2nd is the 214th day of the year, but what even cooks my noggin' even more is that August 2nd, could be read 8/2 or 82.
The 8th letter of the alphabet is H.
August 2nd, or 82 then can be H2.
If we spin Kristens watch we see that 2h (or H2) becomes 42, and makes me think that Jims noggin cooking is perfectly valid.

I recently tweeted this next picture because I liked the way the new Battleship poster mirrored the one on 2012, and the one (marked with 42) on Kurt Russells soldier poster:
The Battle Ship is also a Battle Dish, which makes me think of the recent relase of Kaptain America.

You can find this linked to one of key figures in todays DEBT crISIS:

I also like the fact that Zeus/Aslan actor Liam Neeson is Captain of the Ship in the movie Battledish:

This ship might be syncing but there's absolutely no need to panic.
Deep Breaths
just checked out the latest images on IMDB.com and noticed two things of interest.
The first are these flying Battleships on the new poster for The Three MuskETeers: