Today Earth passes between the sun and Jupiter, placing Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky. Astronomers call this event an opposition of Jupiter. The 2011 opposition is Jupiter’s closest until 2022.
In 2011, Jupiter came nearest to Earth on October 27, at 19 hours Universal Time (2 p.m. Central Daylight Time). Then Jupiter was only 369 million miles away.
However, Earth flies in between the sun and Jupiter tomorrow, on October 29 at 2:00 Universal Time. That is 9:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time tonight, on October 28. When it is opposite the sun, astronomers say that Jupiter is in opposition. The king planet now rises in the east at sunset, and sets in the west at sunrise. At midnight, Jupiter climbs highest in the sky.
So when the sun goes down on this late October night, you might — if you’re fanciful enough — imagine bright Jupiter as a tiny sun all night long.
And remember, this opposition of Jupiter counts as extra special — Earth’s closest encounter with Jupiter until the year 2022!
We read that Jupiter will be like a night time sun, rising in the east at sunset, brightest overhead at midnight. This is the closest Earth will be to Jupiter for a very long time.
Julie Roberts and Joaquin Phoenix are the most popular stars born on October 28 according to IMDb (I'm 42).
Immediately this aligns perfectly as Julia Roberts is one of the most singularly Jupiter resonating stars extant. The name Julia is derived from Jupiter.

- In Time is present in the title "Once Upon a TIME IN Mexico".
- Stars Antonio Banderas & Salma Hayek are counterpart lead cats in Puss in Boots.
- Johnny Depp is the star of The Rum Diary

People online are talking about Carl Johan Calleman who according to wikipedia "differs from professional Mayanists in seeing 28 October 2011 and not 21 December 2012 as a significant date. Calleman does not interpret the date as an apocalypse, Armageddon, or other cataclysmic event but a slow transformation of consciousness in which people experience a higher "unity consciousness.".
Mexico - so potently highlighted by the syncs we have explored & attracted by the 28th - is a major location in Pre-Colombian culture, including the Maya who birthed the calender whose end date is in question.
In fact "Izapa is the ancient Mayan site in southern Mexico where the Long Count was first devised" says Calleman.
The Mayan Calender that might end on 28 October 2011 or on 21 December 2012 was made in Mexico.

Sync charges this or that time and space with more significance to help us part self imposed veil between us and the eternal ever present perfection. The ultimate goal of sync and everything else is always to uncover the already self realized self.
Updates asap flux willing.

Wiki Scorpio
Joaquin Phoenix (born October 28th) played Johnny Cash in Walk The Line.

(The fire alarm went off as I started this post, jikes...)
Katy Perry - Firework
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time, you'll know
You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough
I heard this song the first time shortly after doing an Ayahuasca ceremony with my friend Jim Sanders.
Jim has an Icaro that reminds me allot of this song. An Icaro is a sacred song, sung during ceremony, to help guide and ground the experience.

You’re a bear of little brain
And an atomic heart
Some people think you are a little insane
But you’re the fool with keys to the Ark
Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
Whatchya gonna do Winnie-the-Pooh?
You can climb a tree in search of Hunny
You can march in band and sing “Yes we can!”
You can go to the North Pole with Christopher Robin
Eeyore, Owl, Rabbit, Roo, Piglet, have not been forgotten
Your Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
Whatchya gonna do Winnie-the-Pooh?
You can save the day
Start a parade
Sing some praise
Makes some mistakes
And show us the way
Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
He’s got no idea what to do
But his heart’s so big he always makes it through
Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
Lives in a tree inside of you
Say hello, he’ll open the door and pull the trigger
It’s time to unleash
The Cosmic Tigger
KA-Boom, boom, boom,
Boom, boom, boom,
Boom, boom, boom, Boom, boom, boom,

Both Firework and Cosmic Tigger talk about opening a door out of suffering by letting your heart light up with love into the crescendo "Boom, Boom, Boom".
I couldn't quite figure out who had channeled who when realizing this...

He introduces himself as "V" to Natalie Portman who returns the favor saying she is "Evey". He remarks and thoughtfully highlights "E-vey" the vey (or V) echoing his own name. Curious as to the reason of his seeing significance in her name V responds "I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence."

(Listen to Alan Abbadessa-Green talk about The Sync Book on Red Ice Radio)

H as Hydrogen is the 1st element, its the 8 letter or infinity & repeats in key places like Thoth and YHWH.

We saw that the 28th is Joaquin Phoenix's Birthday and that the feathered fire(work) bird is another name for Scorpio.

To add to the Sync Mesh its interesting to note how naturally the M symbol entrains with the sign of Scorpio. The film "Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene" just came out under the Sign of Scorpio.

"Babalon(Wikipedia)—also known as The Scarlet Woman, The Great Mother, or the Mother of Abominations—is a goddess found in the mystical system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; although she can also be identified with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense. "
Babalon is associated with Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of the End Times that are prophecized by Saint John in the Book of Revelations.
These film posters sync with the TIMES it feels too



"Darkest Hour"

"The End is Now"
It is also pertinant that Carl Calleman an expert on the Mayan Calendar beleives that the Calendar/Time actually ended yesterday October 28th 2011
As we all sense the emergence of a new Earth and a new paradigm, the signs of changing times are highlighted in our consciousness, we know were on the verge of a new matrix. "The End is NOW"
The last two years during Scorpio I posted similiar meditations on Babalon, Death, and Time, and the Death of Time.
See Momma Death and Vagina Dentata and Scorpio Flight of the Raven and the Good News