Why does the universe highlight certain numbers at specific times in our lives?
I've absolutely no idea...but that hasn't stopped me from trying to get my head around the fact that the number 88 has been hi-jacking my life over the last week.
The 8-ball started rolling sometime last week when I started looking into the career of Al Pacino for a new post I've been working on in relation to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting (*the post might see the light of day...but don't count on it).
I took note of the Al Pacino 88 poster because the clock was recently highlighted in the previous Sync Whole post DBs Treasure Chest. Notice that the little hand behind Pete Postlethwaite points to the number 8.
Judging from the above snapshot it looks like the time is round about 8 minutes to 8.
In The Time Machine poster we also find the 88. One in reference to 800,000 years, and the other in the Inifinity symbol beneath the title.
Jump start the future.
The number 88 has an interesting connection with Time as the DeLorean automobile must attain 88 miles per hour in order to travel in time.
88 seems to symbolize the moment when the Lightning strikes.
My parents gave my son Zion this remote control car for his Xmas. Notice again how 88 entrains with the Lightning Bolt.
If we follow the Bolt we also find it on the chest of Megamind. I like to think that when we acceler8 past 88 our Mind can't handle the pressure and simply goes KA-BOOM!
Last week I sat down and watched Megamind with my kids.
Not long into the movie the 88 flashes onscreen, making an appearance on this Channel 8 reporters microphone.
Coincidentally this takes place about 8 minutes 8 seconds into the movie.
There's even a subtle 88 via the wires in the van behind camera-man Titan.
All these 88 Megamind syncs take place in close proximity to this large Golden Globe. (*note that the 2011 Golden Globes happened last Sunday 16th January)
A couple of days ago I received a letter from a lottery company asking me to activ8 this card. Notice that it features the Golden Globe...nearly identical to the one pictured above...and also the numbers 88.
When I checked Wiki I couldn't help giggling to myself when I learned that 88 is the atomic number for Radium...an element which happens to sync with my initials RA.
This got me thinking that maybe I've been taking all these 88 syncs a little too personally and I should stop this craziness before it reaches full velocity.
Then I learn that in Kill Bill, the name of O-Ren Ishii's Army, happens to be the Crazy 88...and suddenly I start liking the idea of going a little crazy.
Who wouldn't want to be part of O-Ren Ishii's Cazy 88 Army?
You'd be mad not to!!!
Now please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not about to go all choppy choppy on anyone and start dicing people up. I might be nuts, but I'm more dry roasted than ready salted...if you know what I mean. :)
Here's something else I learned on Wiki.
88 seems to represent the Whole:
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) divides the sky into 88 official constellations with precise boundaries, so that every direction belongs to exactly one constellation. These are mostly based upon the constellations of the ancient Greek tradition, passed down through the Middle Ages.
88 seems to encompass our own Golden Globe (the Earth/hEart) but it also expands out to the cosmos surrounding our planet.
To Infinity and Beyond...
88 also happens to be the name of a local Chinese Takeaway in my hometown of Thurso. Here's an old menu I found in a cupboard.
Now this brings us to an interesting Chinese connection which puts yet another spin on all this 88 craziness.
In Chinese culture
Eighty-eight (88) symbolizes fortune and good luck since the word 8 sounds similar to the word Fā (发, which implies 发财, or wealth, in Mandarin). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number of all in Chinese culture and prices in Chinese supermarkets can often be found containing many 8's (see numbers in Chinese culture). The Chinese government has even been auctioning auto license plates containing many 8s for tens of thousands of dollars. The 2008 Beijing Olympics opened on 8/8/08 at 8 p.m.[1]
88 is used to mean "bye bye"; found in Chinese-language chat, text, SMS, IM. 88 is pronounced in Chinese Mandarin language as "ba ba" ("bā bā" to be precise), simulating the sound of the English language farewell "bye bye".
From Wiki we learn that 88 is considered Lucky aka Lucy:
(*maybe I should go and activ8 the golden Lottery card I recently received in the post!)
From Wiki we also learn learned that:
88 =Ba Ba = Baby
Earlier on today I was thinking about the number 88 (and contemplating writing this very post) when I came across this packet of 'baby soft' wipes...which helps confirm the 88/BaBa/Baby connection.
A good friend named Stephen Hendry recently had a new baby a few months back.
I logged onto Facebook earlier tonight (19th Jan) and couldn't believe it when I noticed that only an hour ago (I kid you not) he chose to highlight a classic techno tune called Activ-8 by a duo named Altern 8.
It feels appropri8 to round this 8-ball off with the video itself.
L8r G8rs
Richard: In 1988 movie Vampires Kiss we see Nicholas Cage staring at the Full Moon with a Crazy (88) glint in his eyes.
The Nic Cage movie Ghost Rider begins with a Full Moon...
...which slowly morphs into a Ring of Fire.
After this Full Moon intro sequence we see the Ring of Fire itself with fearless stuntman Nic Cage riding through the centre of it.
Today, Thursday January 20th, we have a Full Moon.
Coincidentally today also sees the release of a new poster for a movie called Drive Angry, again starring Nic Cage.
In the movie title we see the letters RING touching the Fire.
In Back to the Future the Ring of Fire (or Golden Globe) takes place when 88 miles per hour has been reached. I love the symmetry between the car in the Drive Angry poster and this DeLorean.
It also bakes my noodle to think that The Green Hornet is currently number 1 at the US box office at the time of typing this update.
Green Hornet and his sidekick Kato wear black masks...
...which look nearly identical to those worn by the Crazy 88s.
Things get sillier if we look at a scene where The Green Hornet and Kato (K2?) have a bust up.
Kato (played by JC/Jay Chou) ends up thrashing about in a swimming pool as he's unable to swim.
Green Hornet, unaware of his buddies plight, climbs out of the pool and tells Kato that he's now 'fired'. He soon realizes the seriousness of the situation so in order to save his buddy from drowning the Green Hornet grabs an inflatable Lobster and throws it to him.
Kato grabs on and makes his way to safety, clambering up and out of the pool with the help of his blow up Lobster.
In the Tarot we see that the Lobster climbs out of the primordial waters only to find a new path awaiting him...
Good Luck on your journey, wherever it may take you.
Jake: I know Elizabeth Shue as the prostitute who falls in love with suicidal alcoholic Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. She recently caught my attention in the hilarious Hamlet 2. One scene, which also happens to be the last scene, shows just how mind blowing and textured sync (our ever emerging non-local Mind) can be. Even having a good sense of profoundly layered humor.
Steve Coogan talks about having "made it", having a fancy bidet in his dressing room. Shue responds: "That was a sink (sync)". Perfect as right behind her appears the numbers 412. That was indeed a sync, Shue. We find these numbers nested inside of the Jupiter symbol, which we can unpack in many ways. 412 pretty much covers the gamut. Last night I started Hollow Man with Shue, which I hadn't seen since being a teenager hanging with my buddies at the theater in South Africa. It felt appropriate as I had watched Memoirs of an Invisible Man days previous and ran into H.G Wells' The Invisible Man while browsing a bookstore earlier.
Kevin Bacon calls up Shue, very early in the morning, waking her up with the ringing of the phone. This is also the first time we see Shue in Hollow Man. She says "Oh, my God" at this rude awaking and we notice it is 4:12. This makes perfect sense as 412 points to Jupiter and Jupiter is God. The syncs are giving us a rude awakening from our slumber of being separate from God. Oh, and I was in the bookstore looking at Wells' The Invisible Man after going to the theater to see Barney's Version (great film) which included a preview of Paul (voiced by Seth "Green Hornet" Rogen), the alien who can turn invisible. I'm thinking of Invisibility as good metaphor for Cosmic Consciousness (like Paul the ET). Just like a fish can be oblivious of the water inside and around of it, we too can miss the very fabric of all that allows for our existence. The tongue can't taste itself, just like us, as facets of God, can miss the very thing we are. The tongue is invisible to itself and God is invisible to God. This is the weird ouroborus snake of consciousness that kinda makes your head want to pop when you get it. Yet this pop feels good as the real us is unleashed by POP.
We see Shue and BACON (nicely echoing HAMlet 2, a movie already connected Hollow Man via Shue & 412) having this syncnificant exchange: In Back to the Future Part 2 Shue plays Jennifer Parker/Jennifer McFly, replacing actress Claudia Wells from Part 1, which is kinda jarring and weird but works wonders with our syncs. Above Doc Brown points at the fuel for his Time Machine, Miller (Eagle/Zeus/Jupiter). Doc Brown says the magick 88 with Jennifer/Sheu in shot, having no idea about what she has just gotten into. 88 mph rounds down to 142 kph, these numbers miraculously attracting to Shue again. 88 is Bacon's pulse as he is being prepped to become invisible in Hollow Man. The 88 of the DVD's subtitles hits Shue. In the future Shue hides in a closet spying on her "to be" in laws who are entraining with the WTC. In Adventures In Babysitting she sings about the Stars as her Star title appears on screen. The Stars in the sky and movie Stars are mirrors, shining with Gods reflected glory. Baba is what we call a baby in Afrikaans & Richard says Ba Ba is 88.
In this films Shue encounters "Thor" the god of Thunder, a clear variant of Jupiter. "Thor" is backed by the Red Clock.
The Joy of Sync aligns us with the non-local Self, creating all places and times right NOW, turning us into Time Travelers.
Richard: When it rains it pours!
After reading Jakes lovely update about an hour ago I decided to take my dog Jake out for his walk. My feet were throbbing when I got back to the house so I sat back, opened my book, and read another chapter of Dan Browns The Lost Symbol.
I turn the page of chapter 101 and suddenly have a Holy Shit! moment as I'm confronted by the 88.
You've gotta love the universes sense of humor. :D
Cool post. Gives a whole new meaning to that old Robin Harris cartoon movie Bébé's Kids".
In the movie, Bébé's Kids go to the Fun World Theme Park where they are captured by robot versions of the Terminator, Abraham Lincoln, a bear (Ursa Major?), and Richard Nixon...
So, if (2X8)P is a 7, (1+7)Q is an 8 = pseudo 8 + 8 = Mind y-our P's and Q's
8 =(1X8)=H, (3X8)= X = 2+4 = 6 So, if (3X8)X is a 6, (2+6)Z is an 8 = a 'jump' from X to Z ... = expansion ... and, Where did the 'Y' go ?? ah, WE laid it down to make infinity = 8 and maybe, WE used all of them in, Sydney Crosby )
(3X8)X is a 6 = pseudo 8 (2+5)Y is a 7 = pseudo 8 (2+6)Z is a 8 = 8 The coordinates of infinity = X.Y.Z = infinity X infinity X infinity = IN-F'in-IT-E-nergy ))
... and here are three random fyi's, (8X8X8) = 5+1+2 = 8 and, From date: Saturday, January 1, 2011 Added 88 days Resulting date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 ?? and, WE are just finishing the 8th leVel of the Mayan Calender progression, Feb.11/11 leVel = 3+5+V+5+3
Well that was fun, i hope it helps ))
infinity, its eVeryw-here ... Be-Cause, its eVeryth-in-g ))
a GrebBear
Peace Love Light TRUTH (- ; ; -)
ps ... i'm launching a 'game changing' art project in the next couple weeks, i just need a bit more Loving Intention to get'r off the ground ... please check it out: http://agrebbear.blogspot.com/
Eleleth, I really dig the Mercury/Thoth connection. For a couple of years now I've linked Thoth with Ganesha as both were considered the master scribes in their respective cultures. I had wondered why the elephant appeared on the packet of baby soft wipes so now that kinda makes more sense. Nice one!
Thanks for the 88/142 reminder StrangEye...and the interesting list of names. Cheers m8.
Sibyl, Power to the People!!!
Tommy and Kev, it's good to see we've got a pair of lucky 88'rs on board this blog. On Wiki it says that 88 is classed as an 'Untouchable Number'. Are we the Untouchables!?! Must go and watch that movie again...
Jim, the town of Thurso used to be a small fishing village which rapidly expanded in the 80s when a nuclear power plant was built close by in a place called Reay. They put the plant in a remote location so that if it blew up it would only be us expendable Highlanders who took the brunt of the fall out. Fortunately that's never happened but Radium has definitely played a huge role in the growth of my community. One of the local beaches is currently off limits as it's been found to be highly RAdioactive. Figures.
Also Thurso is a Viking name which translates as 'Thors River'. It's funny how you also live close to the flow of the Thunder God. Much love to you brother.
GrebBear, thanks for making my head spin! Muchly appreciated and good luck with your blog.
Hirmis, it's funny how 88 can be amateru (ham) radio shorthand for 'hugs and kisses' and yet also points to Hail Hitler and the neo-Nazis. Maybe if Hitler had received more hugs and kisses as a child there would never have been a war. Thanks for pointing it out.
Lovely post, I have experienced clusters of 8's in the past and "synchronously" they also became salient in my mind again this week when i was thinking about the "Eight personal deity Heart mantras" in the buddhist meditation i practise why 8 ? and of course the ba gua / pak qua i wear is all about the 8 directions
Today, the day of the full moon, I got pulled over by a cop. The cop lady found out I was driving with a supended license and towed my car. I'm definitely syncing with full moons, driving angry, and rings of fire.
Thanks for the post. It definitely brightened up my day.
The movie Donnie Darko is full of stuff with the number 8. :)
btw: look at this "skull and bones" picture. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Bonesmen_clock.jpg
Clock = 8`clock Table = Octagon Bones = lying 8 Skull from Geronimo = He also still had "Inda-ce-hondi", which enabled him to resolve on a war or raid the laws of time and space.
On the Nic Cage montage above, when you were showing the shots of the Moon, first full then next in flames, I thought that you were going to sneak in my Nic all-time fave "Moonstruck"!
After all, Cage got his greatest start (exposure) with Cher in "Moonstruck". Then how apropos to have the gentle and romantic Full Moon of "Moonstruck" gradually morph to burn as Nic descended into the flaming films of "Knowing" and "Ghostrider"? ...From romantic to destroyer!
THE LAW OF ONE was channeled by the 7th density entity RA, the same collective social memory complex that contacted the Egyptians and were percieved as Gods...In the Ra Material/Law of One, the dimensions or DENSITIES of creation are laid out into an octave format, similar to that of music, wherein there are 7 notes (corresponding to the chakras) and the 8th note starts over again on a higher octave. The octaves repeat on infinitely, and there are infinite sub-octaves, sub-sub-octaves, etc. This was one of the first materials I would synchromystically led to when I began my own journey, and along with the Seth Material, it's still quite influential on my current model of understanding things. I've had countless coincidences with the name Ra everywhere I go, and the name ARROWSMITH on that card you showed here also hit on another personal sync I've been seeing lately; I must have went through three or four different books talking about archery in relation to a form of Zen practice, and started to consider going to buy a bow and arrow set to play around with...I immediately heard something on the TV about archery practice, and the following day a cousin of mine whose quite familiar with since he uses them for deer hunting, happened to show up so I could get some information about where to buy one...
Bicycle playing cards feature the number 88 or 808 on the Joker, depending on the size. (Note the U$ caduceus--Uncle $crooge?) A bicycle, of course, is an ∞.
I have ate your post. How do you guys do it! Incredible. So the moviemakers are sinking this symbology/numerology into films? There must be some brainiacs concerned with Nick Cage. Shineforth brave souls. Dennis/87
"Invisibility" (also think LOTR and the magic ruler ring) is the key trait of the ghost.
The demon's/ghost's guides the matrix of ego/ignorance because they want the energy of the suckers (zucker=sugar in german) that are ignorant enough to be led into the trap of control.
The octapus (8=octa-armed, in greek heptapodi=eight feet) has this invisiblity trait: it knows the mind of the observer and can change its energy composition (voltage of nerves) to make its virtually indistinguishable from the background. That's why its the sentipod, the "guardian" metaphor/symbol of the matrix. It invisibly draws you in...
Cosmic consciousness can be defined as the ability to enhance dream powers of creation while remaining, constantly, in a state of immersed oneness. It enacts with the present synchronicity of life, not projections, i.e. movies.
Take head in these metaphors, cause its the sliding slope to the shadows...
THOTH = ΘOΘ = 9 + 70 + 9 = 88 in Greek gematria.
ReplyDeleteThe planet Mercury (Thoth again) has an 88-day orbital cycle.
I think I remember Michael Tsarion saying there are actually 88 constellations in the zodiac
ReplyDeleteWouldn't you know I was born in '88.
ReplyDeleteMagic square for Mercury is 8x8. http://www.halexandria.org/dward090.htm
Great post RA and good call on planet Mercury EL!
ReplyDeleteIt's been pointed out before but
88 mph = 142 kph
8+8 = 4^2
There's 88 Keys on the piano and there's also 88 constellations above us in the heavens...
it seems that 88 ("GOD's Messenger") is working to help us recognize the divine message.
Here's a few more words/phrases in english that equal "88" (by applying alphabet place value to the letter such that a=1, b=2 ... z=26)
good luck
grail king
gulf war
Awesome. My favorite is that you live in Thurso. The cross section to the street that I live on is Thurso St. I've always wondered why Thurso?
ReplyDeleteMy address is 1188. Love 8's. Yeah for 8!
Really feeling the RAdioactive vibe right now.
Peace Ra.
Cool post. Gives a whole new meaning to that old Robin Harris cartoon movie Bébé's Kids".
ReplyDeleteIn the movie, Bébé's Kids go to the Fun World Theme Park where they are captured by robot versions of the Terminator, Abraham Lincoln, a bear (Ursa Major?), and Richard Nixon...
Totally awsome RA, my BDay is 2-8-88 :) Hope to add some later, Peach in and out bro!
ReplyDeletefor nazis 88=HH=Heil Hitler.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post !!
ReplyDelete... sharp collusion, personal and the w-hole,
... very enjoyable and in-s-phi-ring )
Mega-Mind = Mind-Ga-me =
Mind-[8/ate]-Me = Mind-88 =
4-IN-4-88 = Foreign 4-88 ??
8/eight, is also infinity (when laid on the 'Y' axis (why?), ... perhaps to show US how infinity expands ?
Through pseudo 8's = the eights in Everything.
For this demonstration i'm calling the multiples pseudo 8's and the additions just 8's, this is 'not' the only way to represent the idea.
8 = H = H-eaven & H-ell = 88
8 =(1X8)=H, (2X8)= P = 1+6 = 7
So, an 8 as a 7 = pseudo 8
Then, 8 + pseudo 8 =
#87 Golden Goal boy, Sydney Crosby
So, GG = pseudo 8 + pseudo 8 = pseudo 88
Ga+Ga = [pseudo 8 + 1]+[pseudo 8 + 1] = 88
So, if (2X8)P is a 7, (1+7)Q is an 8 =
pseudo 8 + 8 = Mind y-our P's and Q's
8 =(1X8)=H, (3X8)= X = 2+4 = 6
So, if (3X8)X is a 6, (2+6)Z is an 8 =
a 'jump' from X to Z ... = expansion
... and, Where did the 'Y' go ??
ah, WE laid it down to make infinity = 8
and maybe,
WE used all of them in, Sydney Crosby )
(3X8)X is a 6 = pseudo 8
(2+5)Y is a 7 = pseudo 8
(2+6)Z is a 8 = 8
The coordinates of infinity = X.Y.Z =
infinity X infinity X infinity =
IN-F'in-IT-E-nergy ))
... and here are three random fyi's,
(8X8X8) = 5+1+2 = 8
From date: Saturday, January 1, 2011
Added 88 days
Resulting date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 ??
WE are just finishing the 8th leVel of the Mayan Calender progression, Feb.11/11
leVel = 3+5+V+5+3
Well that was fun,
i hope it helps ))
infinity, its eVeryw-here ...
Be-Cause, its eVeryth-in-g ))
a GrebBear
Peace Love Light TRUTH
(- ;
; -)
ps ... i'm launching a 'game changing' art project in the next couple weeks, i just need a bit more Loving Intention to get'r off the ground ... please check it out: http://agrebbear.blogspot.com/
Eleleth, I really dig the Mercury/Thoth connection. For a couple of years now I've linked Thoth with Ganesha as both were considered the master scribes in their respective cultures. I had wondered why the elephant appeared on the packet of baby soft wipes so now that kinda makes more sense. Nice one!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the 88/142 reminder StrangEye...and the interesting list of names. Cheers m8.
Sibyl, Power to the People!!!
Tommy and Kev, it's good to see we've got a pair of lucky 88'rs on board this blog. On Wiki it says that 88 is classed as an 'Untouchable Number'. Are we the Untouchables!?! Must go and watch that movie again...
Jim, the town of Thurso used to be a small fishing village which rapidly expanded in the 80s when a nuclear power plant was built close by in a place called Reay. They put the plant in a remote location so that if it blew up it would only be us expendable Highlanders who took the brunt of the fall out. Fortunately that's never happened but Radium has definitely played a huge role in the growth of my community. One of the local beaches is currently off limits as it's been found to be highly RAdioactive. Figures.
Also Thurso is a Viking name which translates as 'Thors River'. It's funny how you also live close to the flow of the Thunder God. Much love to you brother.
GrebBear, thanks for making my head spin! Muchly appreciated and good luck with your blog.
Hirmis, it's funny how 88 can be amateru (ham) radio shorthand for 'hugs and kisses' and yet also points to Hail Hitler and the neo-Nazis. Maybe if Hitler had received more hugs and kisses as a child there would never have been a war. Thanks for pointing it out.
ReplyDeleteLovely post, I have experienced clusters of 8's in the past and "synchronously" they also became salient in my mind again this week when i was thinking about the "Eight personal deity Heart mantras" in the buddhist meditation i practise why 8 ? and of course the ba gua / pak qua i wear is all about the 8 directions
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteheres a link to an old 888 post of mine
Gr8 post!
ReplyDeleteOn AOL today our favorite octogenarian actress Betty White, who had more fame in this past year than all of her years in the business, at age 88!
She reached a new generation appearing on SNL, awards shows and commercials during her 88th year of life.
She turned 89 just this January 17.
May we all hit that magical age 88 and be so lucky!
Nice work, RA. I immediately get Holy of holies or infinite infinities.
Today, the day of the full moon, I got pulled over by a cop. The cop lady found out I was driving with a supended license and towed my car. I'm definitely syncing with full moons, driving angry, and rings of fire.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post. It definitely brightened up my day.
The movie Donnie Darko is full of stuff with the number 8. :)
ReplyDeletebtw: look at this "skull and bones" picture.
Clock = 8`clock
Table = Octagon
Bones = lying 8
Skull from Geronimo = He also still had "Inda-ce-hondi", which enabled him to resolve on a war or raid the laws of time and space.
On the Nic Cage montage above, when you were showing the shots of the Moon, first full then next in flames, I thought that you were going to sneak in my Nic all-time fave "Moonstruck"!
ReplyDeleteAfter all, Cage got his greatest start (exposure) with Cher in "Moonstruck". Then how apropos to have the gentle and romantic Full Moon of "Moonstruck" gradually morph to burn as Nic descended into the flaming films of "Knowing" and "Ghostrider"? ...From romantic to destroyer!
THE LAW OF ONE was channeled by the 7th density entity RA, the same collective social memory complex that contacted the Egyptians and were percieved as Gods...In the Ra Material/Law of One, the dimensions or DENSITIES of creation are laid out into an octave format, similar to that of music, wherein there are 7 notes (corresponding to the chakras) and the 8th note starts over again on a higher octave. The octaves repeat on infinitely, and there are infinite sub-octaves, sub-sub-octaves, etc. This was one of the first materials I would synchromystically led to when I began my own journey, and along with the Seth Material, it's still quite influential on my current model of understanding things. I've had countless coincidences with the name Ra everywhere I go, and the name ARROWSMITH on that card you showed here also hit on another personal sync I've been seeing lately; I must have went through three or four different books talking about archery in relation to a form of Zen practice, and started to consider going to buy a bow and arrow set to play around with...I immediately heard something on the TV about archery practice, and the following day a cousin of mine whose quite familiar with since he uses them for deer hunting, happened to show up so I could get some information about where to buy one...
ReplyDeleteThe 88 has become a personal fascination for me over the last year. It seems to show up whenever my sync-radar is really ramping up.
ReplyDeleteI really like the take you guys have put on this pattern. Interesting that in BTTF, Marty McFly is afraid of becoming "the invisible man."
Much love to you all!
What I uncovered on the 88 last year:
"when it rains it pours"
ReplyDeleteYou read my mind. That has been the theme of my day.
Bicycle playing cards feature the number 88 or 808 on the Joker, depending on the size. (Note the U$ caduceus--Uncle $crooge?) A bicycle, of course, is an ∞.
ReplyDeleteI have ate your post. How do you guys do it! Incredible. So the moviemakers are sinking this symbology/numerology into films? There must be some brainiacs concerned with Nick Cage. Shineforth brave souls. Dennis/87
ReplyDeletehey baybee - got some crazy 88 entrains with 33 via Reflection and PB via pure sync!
ReplyDeleteIt's my first article - I'd LOVE your feedback. I just started in November you know...
"Invisibility" (also think LOTR and the magic ruler ring) is the key trait of the ghost.
ReplyDeleteThe demon's/ghost's guides the matrix of ego/ignorance because they want the energy of the suckers (zucker=sugar in german) that are ignorant enough to be led into the trap of control.
The octapus (8=octa-armed, in greek heptapodi=eight feet) has this invisiblity trait: it knows the mind of the observer and can change its energy composition (voltage of nerves) to make its virtually indistinguishable from the background. That's why its the sentipod, the "guardian" metaphor/symbol of the matrix. It invisibly draws you in...
Cosmic consciousness can be defined as the ability to enhance dream powers of creation while remaining, constantly, in a state of immersed oneness. It enacts with the present synchronicity of life, not projections, i.e. movies.
Take head in these metaphors, cause its the sliding slope to the shadows...